Leopold Bloom · @leopold_bloom
4 followers · 20 posts · Server sueden.social


von Felix Stalder - Le Monde diplomatique

Bereits vor der Entstehung des World Wide Web in den frühen 1990er Jahren gab eine Vielzahl von Plattformen, die es technisch versierten Nut­ze­r:in­nen ermöglichten, sich auszutauschen und zu vernetzen.


#socialmedia #mailinglisten #usenetgroups #bulletinboardsystem

Last updated 2 years ago

GeekProjects News · @news
2 followers · 2317 posts · Server geekprojects.com


It is my pleasure to announce to you that RC-BOX BBS, the world's first and (currently) only based bulletin board system is now even better!

Thanks to the help and support from @f4grx, I have been able to mitigate the "lost characters" issue which occurred to some users when entering message text.

If you want to try it for yourself, connect to:

rc2014.ddns.net 2014

#rc2014 #telnet #rc2014bbs #bbs #retrocomputing #bulletinboardsystem #cpm

Last updated 2 years ago

Blake Patterson · @blakespot
716 followers · 720 posts · Server oldbytes.space

Season's Greetings from - the world's first and (currently) only based on the network.

The software is a customized version of the original 4.1 code for which I extended to feature: a simple SysOp <-> User chat, support for Mr. Gelee's 4x 7-segemnt LED module for RC2014 (to display the active user number and activity locally), a Testfiles section and several bugfixes.

You can to it on:

rc2014 (dot) ddns (dot) net : 2014

Please keep in mind that this is a single-user system, so if you get a *BUSY* message, try again later as someone else is already logged in.

#rcbox #rc2014bbs #rc2014 #bulletinboardsystem #bbs #rbbs #bdsc #cpm #telnet

Last updated 2 years ago