Mike Christensen · @IncredulousMike
9 followers · 123 posts · Server mas.to

Well gosh, I guess we should just let win then. This is the closest thing the party has to a platform. is great as long as they win. instead of if they don't.


#ballots #bullets #democracy #republican #Trump

Last updated 1 year ago

Eugene · @edmonde
84 followers · 784 posts · Server mstdn.es


Descubro una cara B de llamada que me deja embelesado, se la muestro a un amigo y me dice que se la regalaron a Embrace, que la sacó un par de años antes con un tempo más rápido y la verdad es que casi parece otro tema. Justo por aquellas fechas sacaron un disco que también me encantó (y cuya "crítica" tenéis por mi perfil) y ya me quedé con ellos.


Ocho años sin saber de un grupo son muchos años. Yo ya no era un veinteañero y me había movido a otros planos existenciales musicalmente hablando. Por suerte, este grupo volvió con fuerza y con un sonido nuevo, más electrónico que de costumbre, al menos con este primer single. Las caras B también confirmaban un poco ese giro hacia nuevos horizontes, que te pueden salir bien o te pueden enterrar definitivamente. Para Embrace parecía que era el primer caso.

Además, el cantante principal se hacía a un lado y le daba el protagonismo a su hermano, quien, para mi gusto, tiene una voz mil veces mejor. Por si fuera poco, las pocas líneas que canta Danny tienen fuerza y quedan bien justo antes del subidón final.

y (este mostrando un bajo potente a lo en la época de ) mantienen la línea de , mientras que es más tranquilote.

Empecé mi colección de vinilos con singles y maxis hace muchísimos años, cuando no encontrabas en (y, desde luego, en streamingQUÉ?) todas esas rarezas. Paré cuando empezaron a estar disponibles por doquier, gastando menos dinero, y ahora he vuelto con fuerza a por los . Este es una excepción porque ya había oído todas las canciones y sabía que me gustaban bastante, así que esperaba a que bajara hasta tener un precio asequible, como ha sido el caso.

El LP, por el contrario, me atrae mucho menos porque todo este sonido nuevo se quedó en el primer single. Una lástima.

#coldplay #gravity #chameleon #decades #U2 #war #refugees #bullets #cd #lps #ep #embrace #refugeesep #eugenelo

Last updated 1 year ago

txwikinger · @txwikinger
175 followers · 991 posts · Server fosstodon.org


That's what flak like the () are for. Drones are low enough and slow enough to be eliminated by just a normal instead of expensive

#tanks #gepard #cheetah #bullets #missiles

Last updated 1 year ago

nanowiz · @nanowiz
49 followers · 910 posts · Server vmst.io


Drafters of the , signatories of the were firing muskets, not AK's

one can shoot three projectiles in one minute
the other removes human limbs and can fire HUNDREDS of in 60 seconds

the interpretation is

#2ndamendment #constitution #bullets #originalists #shite #kentucky #banassaultweapons

Last updated 2 years ago

Danny Boling 🌈 ☮️ · @IAmDannyBoling
317 followers · 4963 posts · Server mstdn.social
getmisch · @GetMisch
35 followers · 378 posts · Server masto.nyc

They expelled the two black protesters, but not the white. Hope they run again in their own districts; they can't be expelled for the same reason, so they can protest again!
no but & apnews.com/article/tennessee-l

#GQP #openly #fascist #not #hiding #anymore #Conservative #cruelty #culture #wars #ideas #guns #bullets #worship

Last updated 2 years ago

Cazzandro · @KodeGhinn
7 followers · 258 posts · Server qoto.org
Carolyn Barber, MD · @cbarbermd
361 followers · 359 posts · Server med-mastodon.com

Personally, I’ve placed one too many chest tubes in patients who’ve been shot in the chest and can’t breathe. And it’s blood, air and potentially another human life that‘s sucked out of that tube. Below👇, trauma surgeons @JosephSakran and @kadtraumamd discuss the injuries and deaths that they know all too well.

“The epidemic of in bodies needs to stop. Secure storage (known as Ethan’s Law), expanded background checks, implementation of extreme risk protection orders, and 1/2

#bullets #gun

Last updated 2 years ago

WACOCA · @wacoca
11 followers · 20520 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
Matthijs Wolters · @wltrs
642 followers · 1713 posts · Server mastodon.social

De achterban die Bolsonaro in het zadel hielp, wordt getypeerd als de ‘BBB’-Braziliaan: , , . Een combinatie van welgestelden uit de agrarische sector, aanhangers uit de snelgroeiende evangelisch-christelijke hoek en mensen uit het van oudsher machtige leger- en politieapparaat.

Deze specifieke Braziliaanse constellatie is vooral een van de vele lokale varianten op een globale trend waarin de liberale steeds verder onder druk komt te staan.

#beef #bible #bullets #democratie

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 2 posts · Server mstdn.social

The people of Iran have suffered a lot since the revolution of 1957 and now they have risen against the government of the Islamic Republic of by Ali Khamenei (the ) to end all this suffering and oppression. The people of Iran are suppressed and killed in a horrible way and they never take responsibility for these murders and they continue to oppress the people of Iran and respond to the people with .
Be the voice of the people of Iran

#revolutioniran #mahsa_amini #bullets #killer #child #Iran

Last updated 2 years ago

1 followers · 9 posts · Server mstdn.social

The people of Iran have suffered a lot since the revolution of 1957 and now they have risen against the government of the Islamic Republic of by Ali Khamenei (the ) to end all this suffering and oppression. The people of Iran are suppressed and killed in a horrible way and they never take responsibility for these murders and they continue to oppress the people of Iran and respond to the people with .
Be the voice of the people of Iran

#revolutioniran #mahsa_amini #bullets #killer #child #Iran

Last updated 2 years ago

Princess Melanoma · @princessmelanoma
52 followers · 275 posts · Server mastodon.online

Just ban ammunition sales, and assign each person a single registered and traceable bullet. Even in the UK.


Last updated 2 years ago

in the news:

& : attacks on

- spends whining
- blows up on
- drags into
- thinks betrayed him

take a turn

website shut, loses $4.1mil

loses, what's next?

tries to avoid financial monitoring

wins in

committee mad at

These & more stories at:


Fav/boost please

#fascists #fire #bombs #bullets #farright #drag #trump #thanksgiving #kanye #karilake #conspiracy #scotus #conservatives #weird #neonazi #sarahpalin #ivankatrump #lisamurkowski #alaska #jan6 #lizchaney

Last updated 2 years ago

Phys.org · @physorg_bot
153 followers · 7638 posts · Server social.platypush.tech
Parliamo di news! · @parliamodinews
16 followers · 87685 posts · Server masthead.social
CHAUNCEY I. BROWN III · @nytalkradiohost
75 followers · 1127 posts · Server masthead.social
DavidV.TV Social ® · @DavidVTV
86 followers · 13753 posts · Server masthead.social

| | |


All are .

They talk a BIG Song and Dance but when .

..They all themselves.

* I have 4 people from drowning,

* I have Used myself as a for others-- so that they would not get .

* ..and many .

* defended many women and men from being up by pimps or by boyfriends

Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/or its owners (Tastingtraffic LLC)

#raped #beaten #bullets #dodged #shot #body_shield #recused #piss #challenged #physically #cowards #politicians #part #BIG_GOV #Big_Faith #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 3 years ago

DavidV.TV Social ® · @DavidVTV
86 followers · 13753 posts · Server masthead.social

| U.S. facing from and

On the night of April 16, 2013, a mysterious incident south of marked the most on our power grid in .

For 20 minutes, methodically fired at high voltage at the .

Security cameras captured hitting the chain link fence.


Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/or its owners (Tas ..

#bullets #Power_substation #Metcalf #transformers #gunmen #history #serious_attack #San_Jose #Domestic_Terrorists #russia #threats #electric_grid #vulnerable #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 3 years ago

Khurram Wadee ✅ · @mkwadee
986 followers · 10873 posts · Server mastodon.org.uk