From my gallery of rodeo images. Here, a young bull rider sporting an American Hat. Contemplation before the dangerous ride.
#bullriders #portraits #cowboyart #ayearforart #art #buyintoart #photo #MastoArt #artmatters #sports
#sports #artmatters #MastoArt #Photo #buyintoart #Art #ayearforart #cowboyart #portraits #bullriders
Sadly, a 14-year-old boy died during a #NorthCarolina #rodeo riding a bull for the first time. 👉
And you’ll not hear a single liberal talk about making it illegal to ‘groom’ children to compete as #BullRiders.
#northcarolina #rodeo #bullriders #seehowthatworks
#throwbackthursday I missed the day, but was thrown back to my love of portrait photography. It taught me to see the beauty in every single person. I was shooting a rodeo and drawn to the way the riders meditated before the ride. I hope you enjoy! It's here:
#cowboys #rodeo #bullriders #western #art #MastoArt #ArtMatters #AYearForArt #sports #portraits #vintage #BuyArtNotCandy #BuyIntoArt #artcollectors
#throwbackthursday #cowboys #rodeo #bullriders #western #art #MastoArt #artmatters #ayearforart #sports #portraits #vintage #buyartnotcandy #buyintoart #artcollectors