Instance_administration · @InsAdm
0 followers · 1 posts · Server

Folks... I am sick of this BS:

If someone disagrees with you, it's NOT 'harassing you' - It's called 'having a different opinion'.

If someone expresses their opinion on a topic, it's not "shitposting under hashtag" it's freedom of speech!

Stop clogging my queue with bullshit reports. If you can't live in a world where not everyone is a part of your bubble and has thoughts and opinions of their own, don't use social media.

You can report me if someone offends you, posts nazi/racism and other offending or illegal bullshit, but if you don't stop spamming me with your whiney "That user said he is not with me on topic XYZ he/she/it is HARASSING MEEEEEE!" I am going to block you and report you for spamming and fucking STEALING MY TIME to care about some REAL problems.

#fediverse #mastodon #mastomods #administration #bullshitreports #snowflakes #moderation #contentmoderation

Last updated 1 year ago