as many people have already pointed out, #chatGPT is a very good #bullshitter
He’s not a “successful businessman man who’s made billions.” He’s a ruthless grifter, born into millions, who’s been highly successful at giving people the business.
Donald J. Trump is a shyster. You’d have to be deplorably stupid to think he’s anything more.
Only fucking morons who aren’t billionaires donate money to fucking morons who claim to be “billionaires.”
#DonaldTrump #SnakeOilSalesman #ConMan #RipoffArtist #crook #grifter #shyster #bullshitter #MAGA
#MAGA #bullshitter #shyster #grifter #Crook #ripoffartist #conman #SnakeOilSalesman #DonaldTrump
> [#StevePinker #Bullshitter] used the #SevilleStatement as an example of the idea of biological determinism, the incorrect idea that genes are solely responsible for any of our behaviors. ---Wikipedia
Actual Statement:
> We conclude that biology does not condemn humanity to war, and that humanity can be freed from the bondage of biological pessimism and empowered with confidence to undertake the transformative tasks needed.. in the years to come.
#sevillestatement #bullshitter #stevepinker
Aufforderung des #adac #raser zu ächten. Chapeau. „Viele dieser Autofahrer erhalten ihre Bestätigung durch Videos und Fotos aus den Sozialen Medien. Hier sind alle gefordert, dieses Verhalten nicht durch positive Aufmerksamkeit wie Likes oder Kommentare zu fördern, analog zum Thema Gaffen“, findet der ADAC-Sprecher.“ Was da im Kopf vorgeht, bei diesem #instagram #autojournalismus. Wie verzweifelt muss einer dieser #bullshitter sein, den klimaschädlichen Blechpanzer noch mit #vegan hochzujazzen?
#adac #raser #instagram #autojournalismus #bullshitter #vegan
Harry Frankfurt's Bullshit came to me while reading about #ChatGTP and #AI in general: Sounds like advertising.
> ... bullshitters seek to convey a certain impression of themselves without being concerned about whether anything at all is true.
#HarryFrankfurt's #Bullshit #Bullshitter sounds like #NeilPostman on #Advertising since the 1890's
#advertising #neilpostman #bullshitter #bullshit #harryfrankfurt #ai #ChatGTP
Personne ne demande à quiconque de se radicaliser (ni de se victimiser ou de se #bullshitter d'ailleurs).
Si ?
Can we call the orange imbecile "#Bullshitter in chief" from now on for his unhinged rage tweets? What an #embarrassment for the #UnitedStates to be ruled by such an ignorant and thin-skinned. self-centered #manchild. But the more hysteric he shrieks, to further he's been cornered. Keep the pressure up. #MakeDonaldDuckAgain
#bullshitter #embarrassment #unitedstates #manchild #makedonaldduckagain