22) Best second-hand #TTRPG purchase
I've bought a lot of games on the aftermarket, but my favorite by far is the Bullwinkle and Rocky Role-Playing Party Game (TSR, 1988).
It was decades ahead of its time. Many of its mechanics were re-invented during the Forge Era. It's a marvelous game, and still completely playable.
And it has hand puppets.
I found a "new, old stock" copy back in 2018 and bought it on the recommendation of @epidiah.
#ttrpg #rpgaday2023 #bullwinkle #mooseandsquirrel
12) Old #TTRPG you still play.
This depends on definitions.
I play Old School Essentials, which is equivalent to the 1981 D&D Basic/Expert rules, but I don't think retro-clones count.
I really want to play the 1987 "Rocky & Bullwinkle Role-Playing Party Game" (TSR 1987), but I haven't actually done so yet. (And, yes, I have a copy!)
I'll go with Sorcerer by Ron Edwards (1999). Last played in 2020, but would happily do so again!
#OSE #OSR #Bullwinkle #SorcererRPG #TheForgeRPG
#ttrpg #rpgaday2023 #ose #osr #bullwinkle #sorcererrpg #theforgerpg
@madelancholy The Bullwinkle & Rocky RPG Party Game from TSR.
It's kind of amazing: It's basically a Forge-era story-game that was 20 years ahead of its time. Actually, it's three separate RPGs of varying complexity. Box includes spinners, cardboard stand-up characters, and plastic hand puppets.
Yes, puppets.
I picked up a shrink-wrapped "new, old stock" copy back in 2016 per the recommendation of @epidiah but I've never yet played it.
A bull moose goes for a swim with Maineโs Mt. Katahdin in the background. Photo by Dennis Glennon.
Wordle 620 5/6
๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ #wordle #bullwinkle #tyrone
I was hoping for a more entertaining answer, but Galactica isn't wrong here -- #Bullwinkle J. Moose has no scientific contributions. None. (Note how the "Generate More" button is even grayed out.)
#bullwinkle #ai #textgeneration #galactica
06-30-2019 Sketch - Rocky, you ever just... have nothing left to give? #sketch #bullwinkle