Cancer diagnosis
Following bullying complaints
Apology made
#cancerawareness #bullyingawareness #jamesmartin #haiku #poetry
#cancerawareness #bullyingawareness #JamesMartin #haiku #poetry
Hola Titánicos !!
Cada 2 de mayo se celebra el día mundial contra el bullying y acoso escolar, recordando las graves consecuencias que tiene sobre el niño que lo sufre.
#bullying #ciberbullying #bullyingawareness #acoso #acosoescolarinfantil #acosoescolar #niños #adolescentes #depresión #ansiedad #suicidio #stopsuicidio #discapacidad #gentetitanica #yosipuedo #respeto #compañeros #amistad #comprensión #somosdisca
#bullying #ciberbullying #bullyingawareness #acoso #acosoescolarinfantil #acosoescolar #ninos #adolescentes #depresion #ansiedad #suicidio #stopsuicidio #discapacidad #gentetitanica #yosipuedo #respeto #companeros #amistad #comprension #somosdisca
Bullying, child abuse, & racism results in a stormcloud of rage but forgiveness turns unresolved anger into a life of love, passion, purpose, & service.
#raginglove #rage #love #forgiveness #nationalchampion #powerlifting #wrestling #author #authorsofinstagram #childabusepreventionmonth #celebratediversity #bullying #abuse #abuseawareness #bullyingawareness
#raginglove #rage #love #forgiveness #nationalchampion #powerlifting #wrestling #author #authorsofinstagram #childabusepreventionmonth #celebratediversity #bullying #abuse #abuseawareness #bullyingawareness
“If you want to make a difference, the next time you see someone being cruel to another human being, take it personally. Take it personally because it is personal!”
#brenebrown #brenebrownquotes #bullyingawareness #bullyingprevention #ymhc #sharedhumanity #compassion #empathy
#empathy #compassion #SharedHumanity #ymhc #bullyingprevention #bullyingawareness #brenebrownquotes #brenebrown
#Uganda #Muhoozi #Ugandans #EastAfrica #Africa #africanleaders #news #Bullying #bullyingawareness #Twitter #Kenya #Kenyans #newspaper #SocialMedia #War
#uganda #muhoozi #ugandans #EastAfrica #Africa #africanleaders #news #bullying #bullyingawareness #Twitter #Kenya #kenyans #newspaper #socialmedia #war
Adriana Kuch, 14 year old girl committed suicide after a video of her bullies beating her up was posted online.
If you have a similar story, tell us with #Iwasbullied
#stopbullyng #suicidepreventionawareness #bullyingawareness #iwasbullied
#Africa #news #EAC #EastAfrica #war #Politics #DRC #drcongo #RWANDA #Africans #media #journalist #bullying #bullyingawareness #politics
#Africa #news #eac #EastAfrica #war #politics #DRC #DRCongo #rwanda #africans #media #journalist #bullying #bullyingawareness
“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends”.
I wrote this piece for all the teen girls ostracised by their friend group. And their mothers.
@irishtimes #bullyingawareness
Every word of this
The human cost of vile words is very real.
RIP #carolineflack
Thank you for your bravery Christine, your daughter was a ray of light ❤️
#bullyingawareness #wordsmatter #wordshurt #mentalhealth #carolineflack
#CarolineFlack #bullyingawareness #wordsmatter #WordsHurt #mentalhealth
It is #bullyingawareness week, and it is abundantly clear after today's #yyccC that we have a huge problem at City Hall. If you're not the bully or the bullied, then you're probably the not-so-innocent bystander. #culture #violenceagainstwomen #DV #femicide #VAW
#vaw #femicide #dv #violenceagainstwomen #Culture #yyccc #bullyingawareness
It is #bullyingawareness week, and it is abundantly clear after today's #yyccC that we have a huge problem at City Hall. If you're not the bully or the bullied, then you're probably the not-so-innocent bystander. #culture #violenceagainstwomen #DV #femicide #VAW
#vaw #femicide #dv #violenceagainstwomen #Culture #yyccc #bullyingawareness
a violent uprising against an authority or government.
I am starting a new nonprofit organization for anti-bullying called Where I will advocate and raise awareness about cyber bullying and cancel culture. #bullyingawareness
BUT... It will be 60 days late... this is some deflecting, grifting BS like TFG you admire so much.
I am starting a new nonprofit organization for anti-bullying called Where I will advocate and raise awareness about cyber bullying and cancel culture. #bullyingawareness