El PSOE está a lo importante, siempre al lado de los que más lo necesitan y atajando los verdaderos problemas desde la raíz.
RT @republicatransg@twitter.com
Vamos a estar al lado de la propuesta de @Pam_Angela_@twitter.com para prohibir por ley que el premio de la lotería de #Navidad se llame Gordo. Por #sexismo #Machista, #bullyng y #gordofobia.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/republicatransg/status/1594577643227254785
#navidad #sexismo #machista #bullyng #gordofobia #stopgordofobia #sisepuede
Nuevo episodio del podcast ya disponible en audius 🤓 https://audius.co/keto_cuba/el-bullyng-en-la-adolescencia
#Audius #AudiusSpanish #AudiusProject #bullyng #prevenir #educar
#audius #audiusspanish #AudiusProject #bullyng #prevenir #educar
I love to work in different projects like storyboard Artist and my favorites are those short works of independent creators who want to make their idea come true. I feel useful and valued by them.
This work was for a school project for a video game made by my client based on minecraft that talks about bullying at his school.
#bullyng #storyboard #minecraft #independent #fiverr
I love to work in different projects like storyboard Artist and my favorites are those short works of independent creators who want to make their idea come true. I feel useful and valued by them.
This work was for a school project for a video game made by my client based on minecraft that talks about bullying at his school.
#bullyng #storyboard #minecraft #independent #fiverr
Día Contra el Acoso Escolar.
#fuertescontralacovid #acosoescolar #acosoescolar #bullyng
#2mayo #FuertesContraLaCovid #acosoescolar #bullyng