A Shakespearean scholar’s insightful take on watching the former president’s CNN town hall on mute. What comes through loudly is his insecurity, body contortions, and fear.

The Lessons of Watching Donald Trump With the Sound Off washingtonmonthly.com/2023/05/

#bullytrump #cowardtrump #frightenedtrump

Last updated 1 year ago

is saying he'll appear tomorrow, but he really just wants to complain and talk tough. He won't show up because he's a and knows he'd only damage himself.

Trump and lawyer disagree if he is returning to 'confront' rape accuser rawstory.com/trump-and-lawyer-

#bullytrump #trumpisacoward #RapistTrump #TrumpIsGuilty #coward #Trump

Last updated 1 year ago