A Shakespearean scholar’s insightful take on watching the former president’s CNN town hall on mute. What comes through loudly is his insecurity, body contortions, and fear.
#FrightenedTrump #CowardTrump
The Lessons of Watching Donald Trump With the Sound Off https://washingtonmonthly.com/2023/05/16/the-lessons-of-watching-donald-trump-with-the-sound-off/
#bullytrump #cowardtrump #frightenedtrump
#Trump is saying he'll appear tomorrow, but he really just wants to complain and talk tough. He won't show up because he's a #Coward and knows he'd only damage himself.
#TrumpIsGuilty #RapistTrump #TrumpIsACoward #BullyTrump
Trump and lawyer disagree if he is returning to 'confront' rape accuser https://www.rawstory.com/trump-and-lawyer-disagree-if-he-is-returning-to-confront-rape-accuser-2659955676/
#bullytrump #trumpisacoward #RapistTrump #TrumpIsGuilty #coward #Trump