🇳🇫 #TAIWAN: #TaCo #editorial #cartoon: #Bumbler ex-president #Ma_Ying_jeou's (#馬英九) "'cover' doesn't leave much to the imagination." (Going to pay tribute to his "ancestors," my ass! Everyone has a reasonable suspicion that he's going to #China 🇨🇳 to negotiate Taiwan's surrender to #annexation by its #authoritarian neighbor.) https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/editorials/archives/2023/03/23/2003796570
#authoritarian #annexation #China #馬英九 #ma_ying_jeou #bumbler #Cartoon #editorial #taco #Taiwan
🇳🇫 #TAIWAN: ❝Office confirms [#bumbler ex-president #Ma_Ying_jeou's (#馬英九)] plan to visit #China 🇨🇳❞
#China #馬英九 #ma_ying_jeou #bumbler #Taiwan
🇳🇫 #TAIWAN: #Editorial #cartoon: #Bumbler #Taipei #Mayor #Ko_Wen_je (#柯文哲) and his latest idiotic proposal which had all kinds of #US 🇺🇸 #politicians refusing to meet with him. 🤣
#politicians #US #柯文哲 #ko_wen_je #mayor #taipei #bumbler #Cartoon #editorial #Taiwan