What isn't made clear is that this Leitz 2 Phone is only available in Japan _to those with residency_ IN Japan. How do I Know? Because I went to Tokyo to buy it and discovered this fact. What a bummer. https://www.theverge.com/2022/11/10/23451860/leica-leitz-phone-2-sharp-aquos-r7-1-inch-sensor-camera #leitz #leitz2 #leitzphone #bummer
#leitz #leitz2 #leitzphone #bummer
I should know better than to scroll through "Chinese Cooking Demystified" randomly searching for spring rolls. It doesn't matter that I've just eaten - I'M HUNGRY!
#bummer #chinesecooking #cooking
Did anyone watch Disney's Willow? With the power of LucasFilm and Disney, what happened with this series? Plot is -5. Dialogue is a 0. Customes are a 2. 3d special effects are right out of the 90s -- if you can't pay for good 3D, use practical and go for the nostalgia factor. The only good thing are the characters and actors. If you started with Willow the Movie, how did they produce this? #willow #bummer
Hmmmmzzzz.... #Microsoft #Onedrive #StoreApp obviously discontinued.... 🤔 #bummer
Replaced with #OnedrivePWA ... #PWA
#microsoft #onedrive #storeapp #bummer #onedrivepwa #pwa
So I was /supposed/ to have a new iPhone delivered today for my iPhone Upgrade Program, but all I got was an empty box.
It is the first time something like this has happened to me, luckily Apple is happy to send a replacement, just gotta wait till next week now. #bummer
Gamers Unbeaten
Deep Thoughts While Gaming
Nier Automata Deconstructs the Military Industrial Complex
#GamersUnbeaten #AI #art #bummer #GPT #selfAwareness #sentient #war
#gamersunbeaten #ai #art #bummer #gpt #selfawareness #sentient #war
Woke up this morning, journaled, had my coffee and showered. My plan was to go to the market and then clean the flat before I meet a friend for brunch, but my monkey brain went directly to work on our product (just writing down thoughts on how to solve something) and puff, time flew by and I have to leave the flat to go for brunch… #AdultingDoneWrong #LifesPriorities #StopWorkingOnWeekends #ButICannot #Bummer
#adultingdonewrong #lifespriorities #stopworkingonweekends #buticannot #bummer
Anticapitalist Psychedelic Activists Banned: An Interview
Capitalism is a bad trip. It is the opposite of mind-expanding, and it is explicitly opposed to love and peace, while using both words--for marketing purposes only.
#Capitalism #Bummer #Psychedelic
#psychedelic #bummer #Capitalism
I was in the mood for ice cream last night, but none in the house, so settle for a double espresso. This probably explains my lack of sleep all night. #Bummer.
Good News: Second Born came to mine to bake a beautiful dark chocolate cake.
Bad News: It was for someone else.
@Henrietta media is not hidden but I can not see any of your photos. #bummer.. ai tog 🤔