When using a gem directly from git with bundler, how do you handle gems that have files which need to be dynamically generated by rake? Bundler doesn't seem to have logic to compare the git files against the gemspec files and run `rake #{file} ...` to auto-generate any missing dynamic files.
#ruby #bundler
The best experience I've had so far is #ParcelJS, it just works https://parceljs.org/languages/javascript/#service-workers
#bundler #javascript #webdev #parceljs
How do #Ruby #OpenSource developers work with projects that don't include an #LSP in their dependencies, but still get the benefits of ruby-lsp or sorbet's LSP? I don't want to maintain a delta against Gemfile.lock just to turn those on. Is there a way to configure #Bundler to add a host-only gem dependency that never gets included in Gemfile and Gemfile.lock?
#ruby #opensource #lsp #bundler
Super fast web build tool written in #Rust goes brrrrrrrrrrrr:
If you can trust their benchmark, startup is almost 10x faster than #Vite and HMR 5x faster! 🚀 ⚡
It's build on the awesome #SWC project.
#RustLang #Performance #JavaScript #WebDev #BuildTool #Bundler
#Rust #vite #swc #rustlang #performance #JavaScript #webdev #buildtool #bundler
[Now in english] Use Bundler in a Ruby script https://dev.to/notgrm/use-bundler-in-a-ruby-script-2dpn #Ruby #Bundler #TIL
[Blog] Utiliser Bundler dans un script en Ruby : https://blog.notgrm.dev/til-use-bundler-in-ruby-script/ #Ruby #Bundler #TIL
#dans_mon_flux :
esbuild - An extremely fast bundler for the web
#dans_mon_flux #js #javascript #css #bundle #bundler
As @getajobmike said, lots of great improvements in Bundler 2.4 but for me no longer having some of the most confusing output about dependency resolution blockers is a gigantic improvement, especially for less experienced folks who could feel paralyzed by the previous output on resolution failure. https://bundler.io/blog/2023/01/31/bundler-v2-4.html
Thanks to David Rodríguez, @jhawthorn, and @nex3 for their incredibly helpful work.
When using #babel to #transpile a #nodejs library, is there something you must configure for editor #IntelliSense to work when importing the library? The actual import map is working (I can use modules in my project) but class properties and methods don’t have any IntelliSense in #vscode and in #webstorm class properties are highlighted as “undefined“ (even though they work just fine).
#webdev #question #SoftwareDevlopment #development #bundler #webpack #javascript #typescript #vanillajs
#babel #transpile #nodejs #intellisense #vscode #webstorm #webdev #question #softwaredevlopment #development #bundler #webpack #javascript #typescript #vanillajs
#nusa devlog
Number of chunks produced by #javascript #bundler code splitting
site: https://7a695d63.nusa.pages.dev/demo/multi-counter/
before: just esbuild
after: Rollup+Sucrase+esbuild
site: https://aa647c9e.nusa.pages.dev/demo/multi-counter/
Still not ideal since I need to patch the chunks after build is done but overall it's okay-ish. Now I need to implement hoistmap to avoid that waterfall request. (maybe later)
PS: notice it produce an empty chunk (0B) when I only using esbuild instead of Rollup++
I agree, which is why I wish #Bundler's setting could be ground more finely, with a different default. IIRC, having 𝚜𝚞𝚍𝚘 access has resulted in Bundler doing system-wide gem installs on me in the past.
I wish other #javascript #bundler and #minifier support`/*@__INLINE__*/` annotation. Not just specific to terser.
#javascript #bundler #minifier #webdev #esbuild #swc
If `gem install $package` gives an access denied error
cd $HOME
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git-core curl zlib1g-dev build-essential libssl-dev libreadline-dev libyaml-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libffi-dev
git clone https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv.git ~/.rbenv
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc
exec $SHELL
#tips #ruby #gem #bookmarked #bundler #DevEx
#tips #ruby #gem #bookmarked #bundler #devex
@anclement @philnash I'm not sure why it would, either, but for whatever reason #Bundler thinks you're running an old and busted #ruby and isn't talking to #rvm.
I just did some searching and found this GitHub issue. Apparently the Bundler gem has the version with which it was installed hard-coded. One person manually edited the script to reset the version.
If messing with Bundler doesn't fix it, I don't know what else to tell you.
I've been using #nix dev shells (via #direnv) for native dependencies for quite some time now and is happy with how that has worked out. This year I started to use flakes to pin the dependencies better. But now I probably want to level up and actually build my projects via Nix, and create container images for deployment directly in Nix. For #ruby projects I've been exploring the idea to base the dev shell on the nix gemset rather than running #bundler *inside* the shell. Is anyone doing this?