"Morning Has Broken" is a #Christian #hymn first published in 1931. It has words by English author #EleanorFarjeon and was inspired by the village of #Alfriston in #EastSussex, then set to a traditional #ScottishGaelic tune, "#Bunessan". It is often sung in children's services and in #funeral services. English #popMusician and #folkSinger #CatStevens included a version on his album #TeaserAndTheFirecat (1971).
#christian #hymn #eleanorfarjeon #alfriston #eastsussex #scottishgaelic #bunessan #funeral #popmusician #folksinger #catstevens #teaserandthefirecat
Stones in the wall of blackhouse at Suidhe. A big block of local Moine mica schist has been laid "on edge" so that the mica flakes relfect spectacularly. And below this, a block of Moine psammite containing a distinctive wee pale spotty calc-silicate layer with one dark margin has been broken in half by the builder, and the two pieces used next to each other. One has been rotated so that it is "upside down" relative to the other. #Mull #Bunessan #BuildingStones
#mull #bunessan #buildingstones
For those who like a good story, here is the story behind this beautiful, centuries-old song, "Morning Has Broken" and the extremely talented and interesting man who made it a hit...Cat Stevens or Yusuf, as he is known now. Enjoy.
#music, #CatStevens, #YusufIslam, #Bunessan, #ReadersChoice, #HymnTune
#music #catstevens #yusufislam #bunessan #readerschoice #hymntune