Another entry on the Arcane Lexicon of Floofs and Floofery:
floofcentrism: the philosophy by which all that exists, exists for the sole purpose of being of benefit to floofs.
E.g. Lua is being floofcentric by using my as her resting place
#bunnies #rabbit #bunniesOfMastodon #rabbitsOfMastodon #arcaneLexiconOfFloofsAndFloofery
#arcanelexiconoffloofsandfloofery #rabbitsofmastodon #bunniesofmastodon #rabbit #bunnies
Today a lesson on the proper form for eating hay by Lua
#bunny #rabbit #rabbitsOfMastodon #bunniesOfMastodon
#bunniesofmastodon #rabbitsofmastodon #rabbit #bunny
Lua: "Nothing to see here, just a bun chilling away on top of my crate and hiding from the sun"
#rabbits #rabbitsofmastodon #bunniesofmastodon #bunnies
#bunnyButtFriday right next to bunDad working on the computer
#bunniesOfMastodon #rabbitsOfMastodon #bunny #rabbit
#rabbit #bunny #rabbitsofmastodon #bunniesofmastodon #bunnybuttfriday
#Ravers #Transfam The night is dark again in these northern parts, our beautiful baby is relaxes and shining in the light
Come join the #warren and listen in with us
#SkyeLove #Rabbit #BunniesOfMastodon
#ravers #transfam #warren #skyelove #rabbit #bunniesofmastodon
Note the observer in the background who thinks she’s super stealth but is just kind of a creeper 😹🐇🐈⬛
(note: the bunny knows the cat is there)
#CatsOfMastodon #BlackCatsOfMastodon #BunniesOfMastodon #RabbitsOfMastodon #CloverTheBun #ZippyTheCat
#catsofmastodon #blackcatsofmastodon #bunniesofmastodon #rabbitsofmastodon #cloverthebun #zippythecat
Lua: "Once again my plan to create a bunny golem of fur is ruined!"
#bunny #rabbit #bunniesOfMastodon #rabbitsOfMastodon
#rabbitsofmastodon #bunniesofmastodon #rabbit #bunny
Lua: "Sometimes I want daddy to pick me and cuddle but then I get scared of heights and want to go back down again 😳"
#bunniesOfMastodon #bunny #rabbitsOfMastodon #rabbit
#rabbit #rabbitsofmastodon #bunny #bunniesofmastodon
Our bunnies Tick, Trick and Track rest and enjoy their outdoor space after we did a small health check (teeth and butt inspection). #bunniesofmastodon #bunnies #bunny
#bunniesofmastodon #bunnies #bunny
I usually lurk.
Politically, I land pretty far left.
Oh look! Baby bunnies!
#Introduction #anticapitalism #bunniesofmastodon
Lua: "Don't mind me, just resting here with my tiny tail in the air!"
#rabbit #bunny #rabbitsOfMastodon #bunniesOfMastodon
#bunniesofmastodon #rabbitsofmastodon #bunny #rabbit
While I’m not there, my littlest hacker is getting in the #Defcon31 spirit.
Miss you all! Participating remotely #SkyeLove #BunniesOfMastodon #Rabbit
(Physicists are hackers too…our fuzzers are just way more expensive!)
#defcon31 #skyelove #bunniesofmastodon #rabbit
🐱 🐰 🐈 🐇
#pet #pets #catsofmastodon #catsoffediverse #cat #cats #kat #poes #poezen @konijn @konijnen #animal #animals #dieren #bunny #bunnies #rabbit #rabbits #bunniesofmastodon #BunniesOfMasto #rabbitsofmastodon
#rabbitsofmastodon #bunniesofmasto #bunniesofmastodon #rabbits #rabbit #bunnies #bunny #dieren #animals #animal #poezen #poes #kat #cats #cat #catsoffediverse #catsofmastodon #pets #pet
Clover loves/hates her stacking cups. Lately I’ve taken to filling each one with dried herb mixtures from a local bunny shop and then stacking them for her to find. She’ll unstack them—very enthusiastically—and practically throw the cups into her water bowl.
We call it “making tea” 😆❤️🐇 #CloverTheBun #BunniesOfMastodon #RabbitsOfMastodon
#cloverthebun #bunniesofmastodon #rabbitsofmastodon
Lua is very needy today 🥰
#rabbitsOfMastodon #bunniesOfMastodon #bunny #rabbit
#rabbit #bunny #bunniesofmastodon #rabbitsofmastodon