My immediate goal remains to get to level 20 of #wanikani, and I'm trying to not think too much about the "Death" and “Hell" levels that follow it 😅
Meanwhile, #bunpro decided that I deserve some punishment too and consistently spams me with 30-40 reviews per day even though I'm learning only 1 new grammar point per day now. It certainly helps with my grammar, but SRS can be really harsh!
That's it for my complaining. Thanks for tuning in!
@chmod777 If you find "spaced repetition" type apps beneficial (as we all have different learning styles), then I recommend #BunPro. While #WaniKani is mostly for kanji and vocabulary, BunPro focuses on grammar.
You'll see various opinions online, both positive and negative, but again I think it depends on each person's preference and how much time they can devote to studying. That said, I'm also trying to do better this year. Good luck!
Hi, folks. Allow me to introduce myself by way of my interests. #introductions
I'm learning to play the #guitar. I listen to a variety of music but if you listen to Spotify's #steampunk playlist you'll have a good start.
I'm self-teaching myself Japanese #learnjapanese with the help of #wanikani (currently level 17) and #bunpro (little more than halfway through N5). Progress is slow
Also into #funny, #humor, #humour, #ScienceFiction.
#introductions #guitar #steampunk #learnjapanese #wanikani #bunpro #funny #humor #humour #sciencefiction