The Heideman told us it was Da-sein, the “Being-there/It-Gives,” while Levinas and Blanchot told us it was the Il-y-a, the “there is,” while I’ve learned in #Burckhardtian thinking from Martin Burckhardt that it is the Dazwischen-Sein, the “being-in-between,” where, is in a certain sense the self is disguised by objects and black boxes, psychotopically distorted, much more a conundrum than an ordered setting…meaning the “whataboutery” is an empty question…IMHO 😉
@SrRochardBunson @fgusmao @Null_dev @nealr
Now I know how to expand a toot 🤭
Simulacrum & dissimulation
Ratio & = Sign
I initially learned them from Levinas as the biologism of Genotype & its Phenotype, then as the Neuter from Blanchot. And finally from Martin Burckhardt as rappresentare to representatio…the Nullhammer/Nullnummer or Zeropoint/Zeropilot of Digital Metaphysics.
#burckhardtian #philosophyofthemachine
@philosophy @philosophyofthemachine
Für diejenigen, die sich gefragt haben, was #Burckhardtian und die #PhilosophyOfTheMachine bedeuten, gibt es jetzt eine englische Übersetzung von Dr. Martin Buckhardts Essay mit dem Titel Digitale Metaphysik, der vor 34 Jahren erstmals veröffentlicht wurde, unter:
#burckhardtian #philosophyofthemachine
@philosophy @philosophyofthemachine
For those who asked what #Burckhardtian and the #PhilosophyOfTheMachine mean, an Englisch translation of Dr. Martin Buckhardt’s essay, titled Digitale Metaphysik, first published 34 years ago, is now available at:
#burckhardtian #philosophyofthemachine
#Burckhardtian take is money was originally meat on sticks being burnt to gods that became tokens for gold. It’s curious how the original Central Bank’s authority was made valid as a being Christ’s representative on Earth as a Corporate Sovereign, and Cyber-currency dissimulates like Indulgences from the Middle Ages, empty promises without and soul…Simulacrums are fascinating 🤫
@philosophy @planet @baddadda @wildmandrake
I’ve received a few queries asking me to define what I mean when I mention #Burckhardtian, the Question of the Machine, its Philosophy, its Psychology, and the like. I’m not sure if this may or may not help, but I thought I’d mention this conversation we posted on Substack as it might add some illumination for anyone interested anyway…
In essence, it’s still something created with the mind. It’s when we magmafy it into a reality that it becomes ethics, hence a Machine…at one point, I was interested in glass, and this notion of magmafication is a connection between #Burckhardtian and me that drew me into understanding the Question of the Machine, for what it’s worth.
Happy New Year’s!
Precisely, the whole notion of the Machine and its question relieves-out in terms of embodied vs. outsourced intelligence. In #Burckhardtian thinking, there’s a difference between being embedded in pre-Machine cultures where human intelligence is a metabolic psychoplasm, that is, it has this way of understanding its world thru the body vs. Machine cultures have an outsourced intelligence Martin refers to as the Psychotope.
@wildmandrake @baddadda @wildmandrake @baddadda The #Burckhardtian question is how was natural law established, which I’ve always seen as manmade, particularly how science works towards structuring nature according to synchronic laws of predictivity. While nature is diachronic…you can imagine what a nightmare I was in research and statistical classes - tee hee!
@baddadda @wildmandrake FYI - this thought turns on a #Burckhardtian observation that we lost our nature of Authenticity as part of entering the Anthropocene as we liberated ourselves from it (and the Gods whims), thus dominating it — hence the thought of “defrauding” nature and the resulting necessity of “ethics” with its moral connotations.
If you delve deeper into his thinking, you’ll find the notion of “the Philosopher’s Shame”…proceed with caution on later one can be sehr evocative - 😉
@tg9541 @themotleycow @prawnshelleater @drfrank @baddadda @wildmandrake @philosophy @PhilosophicalPsychology 😊- the #Burckhardtian view is that it’s always cultural. And the more I translate and reflect on what he’s Saying, the more I understand that we need to move beyond Philosophy and Phenomenology into the #PsychologyOfTheMachine. I think it’s a pretty radical interpretation of Nietzche that fits with my clinical Nursing background…
#burckhardtian #psychologyofthemachine
@themotleycow @prawnshelleater @drfrank @baddadda @wildmandrake @philosophy @PhilosophicalPsychology
The #Burckhardtian view involves seeing this process as a “defrauding as nature” which sneaks up behind us in our humanity; at least that’s my understanding - 😏
@prawnshelleater @themotleycow @drfrank @baddadda @wildmandrake @philosophy @PhilosophicalPsychology
Actually, isn’t it how Levinas and Blanchot took the Heideman’s “the possibility of the impossible” and turned it on its head as “the impossibility of the possible”…sorry, the #Burckhardtian in me couldn’t help the pun…😉
@tg9541 @wildmandrake @philosophy @PhilosophicalPsychology
The Philosphie die Maschine is available in German, and we’ve been working on an Englisch translation (as a result of my not finding any Englisch sources on #Burckhardtian). Otherwise, Martin’s been doing audio chapters of it in German and Englisch (using our translation) on the Blog….:ablobcatwink:
@baddadda @prawnshelleater @themotleycow @drfrank @wildmandrake @philosophy @PhilosophicalPsychology
Haha! My child-like #Burckhardtian view sees them all as religious, either as Religion or Secularism, being #QuestionsoftheMachine. The question I was interested in, which pulled me into the conversation, was what does a post-atheistic World look like? That’s turned into an infinite, ongoing conversation :)
#burckhardtian #questionsofthemachine
@baddadda @wildmandrake @philosophy @PhilosophicalPsychology The thing is, coming to all of this after years of Clinical Nursing (I’m a retired Nurse), is realizing as Embodied beings, we can’t escape metaphysics (Heidegger, Levinas & Blanchot), everything we know is thru the perceptio schematics of our ex creatio nihilo, the #Kraftwerk of the #Gesellschaftstriebwerk in #Burckhardtian terms. At least, that’s my non-academic take…
#Kraftwerk #gesellschaftstriebwerk #burckhardtian
@tg9541 @wildmandrake @philosophy @PhilosophicalPsychology
Ah, it sounds like you’ve been thinking about the #Question-of-the-Machine in #Burckhardtian terms too?
@baddadda @wildmandrake @philosophy @PhilosophicalPsychology
I think you’re right, but slowly more contemporary topics in line with #Burckhardtian notions about Philosophical & Psychological #Question-of-the-Machine are coming into relief that question the pre-history of all Occidental Philosophy, at least for the non-academician…