I wish to acquire all knowledge that is useful, beautiful and true.
spoken by Zefir (played by #BurcuGölgedar)
in #ThreeThousandYearsOfLonging (2022)
(at about 1h06 min of 1h48min)
Writers:#GeorgeMiller #AugustaGore
based upon the short story "The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye" by #ASByatt
I suppose there is a lot of knowledge out there that is not useful, is not beautiful and is not true.
#asbyatt #augustagore #georgemiller #ThreeThousandYearsOfLonging #burcugolgedar
I wish to acquire all knowledge that is useful, beautiful and true.
spoken by Zefir (played by #BurcuGölgedar)
in #ThreeThousandYearsOfLonging (2022)
(at about 1h06 min of 1h48min)
Writers:#GeorgeMiller #AugustaGore
based upon the short story "The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye" by #ASByatt
I suppose there is a lot of knowledge out there that is not useful, is not beautiful and is not true.
#burcugolgedar #threethousandyearsoflonging #georgemiller #augustagore #asbyatt
I wish to acquire all knowledge that is useful, beautiful and true.
spoken by Zefir (played by #BurcuGölgedar)
in #ThreeThousandYearsOfLonging (2022)
(at about 1h06 min of 1h48min)
Writers:#GeorgeMiller #AugustaGore
based upon the short story "The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye" by #ASByatt
I suppose there is a lot of knowledge out there that is not useful, is not beautiful and is not true.
#burcugolgedar #threethousandyearsoflonging #georgemiller #augustagore #asbyatt