It's the Bureau of Meteorology and I can't access it using Firefox? That seems... dodgy 🤔
#auspol #australia #bom #bureauofmeteorology
The one type of website missing on the #I2P network is a #weather website.
In #Australia, the #BOM is served by a #techGiant that is in the business of collecting people's data. They aggressively block people using #TorBrowser.
Can I2P come to the rescue?
#useI2P #bureauOfMeteorology #privacy #akAmaI #corporateState #fascism @i2p @sadiedoreen
#i2p #weather #australia #bom #techGiant #torbrowser #usei2p #bureauofmeteorology #privacy #akamai #corporateState #fascism
The #BureauOfMeteorology (BoM) site that may Aussies use for #weatherForecasting, blocks #Tor by using the ***foreign*** corporation, #Akamai.
If any good lawyers are out there can we sue the BoM as a fediverse group? *tongue firmly in cheek
Seriously though this is an issue. Govt should *not* be extorting peoples' data to the #USA while they check the weather. While should they know the days we may want to do something, or #travel etc?
#bureauofmeteorology #weatherforecasting #tor #akamai #usa #travel #auspol #australia
Is it just me, or is this new BOM way of explaining the likelihood of rain not as clear as it could be?
How is it both a 50% and 75% chance of no rain? ☔️ #weather #Melbourne #BureauOfMeteorology
#weather #melbourne #bureauofmeteorology
In #Australia, the Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO this week released “State of the Climate 2022.”
#Science #Climatology #Meteorology #ClimateChange #CSIRO #BureauOfMeteorology #StateOfTheClimate
#australia #science #climatology #meteorology #climatechange #csiro #bureauofmeteorology #stateoftheclimate