I actually have a #Xiaomi #smokedetector that you can silence with a command that flows from #alexa #googleassistant or #mycroft via #openhab (And a few other components on the way) - The same could be done via #homeassistant. It could allow me to turn off the #burglaralarm if it recognises my voice.
#xiaomi #smokedetector #alexa #googleassistant #mycroft #openhab #homeassistant #burglaralarm
CV Based Barking Dog Keeps Home Secure, Doesn’t Need Walking
#computervision #SecurityHacks #burglaralarm #RaspberryPi #raspberrypi #burglar #canine #dog #CV
#computervision #SecurityHacks #burglaralarm #RaspberryPi #burglar #canine #dog #CV