Vanderhoof said he believes township officials were intimidated, and the deed search was a stall tactic to make them lose interest. He abandoned the cemetery project in the fall of 2021.
“I think they were afraid I was going to bring protesters to town,” Vanderhoof said, adding that he made the proposal just as Black Lives Matter was emerging as a mass movement.
#enslaved #burialgrounds
Part of the old #Namgis #BurialGrounds - there's a new one, in different area of island. When the memorial totems fall down, they're left there because BC coastal #FirstNations believe it's part of the natural cycle of returning ancestors to their lands; post physical deaths.
#AlertBay #CormorantIsland #BCCoast #BCNorthIslands #TotemPoles #Memorial #PayingRespect #TobaccoDown #NamgisTerritory #PNW #BritishColumbia #Canada #PacificNorthwest #FirstNation
#namgis #burialgrounds #firstnations #alertbay #cormorantisland #bccoast #bcnorthislands #totempoles #memorial #payingrespect #tobaccodown #namgisterritory #pnw #britishcolumbia #canada #pacificnorthwest #firstnation
Having an overwhelming fear of being buried alive, upon his death successful Indiana businessman, Martin Sheets, had a direct outside telephone line installed in his tomb - just in case. Would you like to know more? Then why not join me for an online talk, via Arnos Vale Cemetery, on Wednesday 8th March at 6.30pm (GMT) See link below:
#cemetery #cemeterychat #burial #burialgrounds #prematureburial #death #tomb #archaeology
#cemetery #cemeterychat #burial #burialgrounds #prematureburial #death #tomb #archaeology