Global News BC: Residential school searches: What is ground-penetrating radar? #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #IndianResidentialSchools #groundpenetratingradar #ResidentialSchools #Potentialgraves #unmarkedgraves #Burialsites #Reflections #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #indianresidentialschools #groundpenetratingradar #residentialschools #potentialgraves #unmarkedgraves #burialsites #reflections #Canada
Aotearoa New Zealand’s Coastal Archaeological Heritage - A Geostatistical Overview Of Threatened Sites
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #spatialanalysis #archaeology #newzealand #sealevelrise #sealevel #SLR #coast #coastal #Aotearoa #maori #history #midden #middens #settlements #pas #climatechange #erosion #innundation #coastalsensitivityindex #CSI #model #modeling #impacts #future #ArchSite #integrateddatasets #shoreline #massmovement #landslides #burial #burialsites #culture #cultural #firstnation #indigenous #earthworks #fortifications #coastalerosion #coastalarchaeology #remotesensing #referencedatasets #prediction #geostatistics #geostatistical #gischat #Heritage #ThreatenedSites
#gis #spatial #mapping #spatialanalysis #archaeology #newzealand #sealevelrise #sealevel #slr #coast #coastal #aotearoa #maori #history #midden #middens #settlements #pas #climatechange #erosion #innundation #coastalsensitivityindex #csi #model #modeling #impacts #future #archsite #integrateddatasets #shoreline #massmovement #landslides #burial #burialsites #culture #cultural #firstnation #indigenous #earthworks #Fortifications #coastalerosion #coastalarchaeology #remotesensing #referencedatasets #prediction #geostatistics #geostatistical #gischat #heritage #threatenedsites
Ancient stone passage graves in Sligo Co Ireland, some as old as 6,000 years. #SligoPassageTombs #AncientGraves #irelandHistory #BurialSites #StoneTombs #QueenMaeveGrave #megolithic #AncientCemetary
#sligopassagetombs #ancientgraves #irelandhistory #burialsites #stonetombs #queenmaevegrave #megolithic #ancientcemetary
Some #PrivateLandowners are #refusing #access to #ResidentialSchool #survivors who are looking to perform #ceremony or #search their properties for possible #UnmarkedGraves - a #SenateCommittee heard Tuesday.
Kimberly Murray, who was #appointed by #Canadian #government to provide it with advice on how to handle possible #BurialSites told #senators about her role & #MainConcerns she says she has heard from #Indigenous communities.
#privatelandowners #refusing #access #residentialschool #survivors #ceremony #search #unmarkedgraves #senatecommittee #appointed #canadian #government #burialsites #senators #mainconcerns #indigenous #KKKanada #nativekids #everychildmatters
Work begins in May when a team from #WashingtonStateUniversity uses #GroundPenetrating #radar to map site, figure out which spots merit #investigation & which are possible #BurialSites .
#Archeologists , #UVic #students & #Indigenous #youth will look for #evidence of #FishTraps , #SeaGardens , etc before examining 3 sites: #AgateLanePark , #McMorranPark , #Cordova Bay Park & piece of land on Waters Edge Road.
#VictoriaBC #yyj #NativeVillage #AncientVillage #Archaeology
#washingtonstateuniversity #groundpenetrating #radar #investigation #burialsites #archeologists #uvic #students #indigenous #youth #evidence #fishtraps #SeaGardens #agatelanepark #cordova #victoriabc #yyj #nativevillage #ancientvillage #archaeology
@JMMontpelier @academicchatter And this was James Madison's place. I see this month they docent an Enslaved Community Tour. Sobering/encouraging to see some of the curated former plantations in #Virginia putting some effort into more comprehensive interpretation and teaching. It's our troubled history. Also forgotten/neglected/violated #AfricanAmerican #BurialSites deserve more protection, restoration.
#virginia #africanamerican #burialsites
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Prehistoric Brits used rare rock crystals to mark #burialsites, research finds @AdmissionsUoM