BAT had a great interview with a potential director. It feels so good to just sit and talk theater.
#BATthatre #BurienTheater #InterviewWithLaughs #DirectorWelcome
#directorwelcome #interviewwithlaughs #burientheater #batthatre
Sunday (8/20/21) will be the last one of these at the end of Good Morning, Bill. This family-friendly free comedy starts at 5 pm in the meadow at Des Moines Beach Park. Show up by 4 and join in some family-friendly theater games!
This is the end of the line for Good Morning, Bill. Don't miss it!!!
#BATtheatre #BurienTheater #DesMoinedsBeachPark #EndOfTheLine #SummerShow #comedy
#comedy #summershow #endoftheline #desmoinedsbeachpark #burientheater #battheatre
Just one more performance of Good Morning, Bill left. Des Moines Beach Park at 5 pm, right after a free one-hour of theater games. (Show up at 4 to catch all the fun.)
Here are almost all of the team brought this much fun into South King County Parks. BAT loves them all!
(Sunday is also Maggie, BAT's Executive Director's birthday. Come wish her a Happy Birthday!)
#BATtheatre #BurienTheater #MaggiesBirthday #TakingItToTheParks #DesMoinesBeachPark #LastChance
#lastchance #desmoinesbeachpark #takingittotheparks #maggiesbirthday #burientheater #battheatre
BAT's part-time office in Burien. Now you can drop by and say, "Hi."
#sayhi #dropbysometime #office #burientheater #battheatre
Sunday at Des Moines Beach Park, in the meadow, is the YOUR last chance to see Good Morning, Bill. As the critics say, "At its heart, "Good Morning, Bill" is simply a fun, feel-good romp, and an incredibly pleasant way to spend an afternoon in the sun."
The weather will be grand, and the play even better!!!
Plus, before the show, there will be about 50 minutes of theater games for the whole family!
#BATtheatre #BurienTheater #DesMoinesBeachPark #DesMoines #SummerShow #TakingItToTheParks
#takingittotheparks #summershow #desmoines #desmoinesbeachpark #burientheater #battheatre
As we often do, BAT is negotiating with a literary agent for the rights to produce a play. As we sometimes do, we sent a link to our photo gallery to help make us seem real to agents who do not know us.
The agent wrote back, "I love love love the cat in the photo!"
So do we. The photo is in our Shelter Season 2020-21 (our season on Zoom).
#BATtheatre #BurienTheater #CatPhoto #ShelterInPlaceSeason #TheaterOnZoom
#theateronzoom #shelterinplaceseason #catphoto #burientheater #battheatre
Friday at 6:30 pm Good Morning, Bill comes to Covington Community Park & Soccer Field, 17649 SE 240th St!!! This performance is the furthest away from our storage in Des Moines.
It is our first show in Covington, and we cannot wait. We are all loaded up and ready to go. Join us for the fun!!!
#covington #parkshow #ReadytoGo #burientheater #battheatre
Review of Good Morning, Bill. "At its heart, “Good Morning, Bill” is simply a fun, feel-good romp, and an incredibly pleasant way to spend an afternoon in the sun."
#BATtheatre #BurienTheater #ParksShow #Covington #AvoidRegret #FeelGoodRomp
#feelgoodromp #avoidregret #covington #parksshow #burientheater #battheatre
Covington, here we come! Friday, 6:30 in Covington Community Park & Soccer Field, 17649 SE 240th St, it's Good Morning, Bill. Avoid regret. Join us!
#BATtheatre #BurienTheater #ParksShow #Covington #AvoidRegret
#avoidregret #covington #parksshow #burientheater #battheatre
Great weather as BAT brought Good Morning, Bill to its hometown! Next up at BAT, catch Good Morning Bill, Friday at 6:30 pm at Covington Community Park & Soccer Field, 17649 SE 240th St, Covington, WA.
Today's photo is from the tech booth at Bood Morning, Bill.
#BATtheatre #BurienTheater #Parkshow #ComingToCovingtoin
#thisfriday #comingtocovingtoin #parkshow #burientheater #battheatre
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, BAT brings it back to Burien with Good Morning, Bill at 5 pm in Town Square Park. Pick up some local takeout and make in dinner and a show!
#BATtheatre #BurienTheater #ParkShow #SundayAt5 #GrabSomeTakeout
#grabsometakeout #sundayat5 #parkshow #burientheater #battheatre
Thank you, The 5th Avenue Theatre, for sharing some of your bounty with us!
#BATtheatre #BurienTheater #5thAvenueTheatre #ShareTheBounty
#sharethebounty #5thavenuetheatre #burientheater #battheatre
BAT brings it back to Burien! Free on Sunday at 5 pm in Town Square Park, 480 SW 152nd St, Burien, WA, Good Morning, Bill.
#BATtheatre #BurienTheater #ParkShow #FridayAt5 #TownSquarePark #FreeShow
#freeshow #townsquarepark #fridayat5 #parkshow #burientheater #battheatre
BAT is bringing Good Morning, Bill to BAT's hometown, THIS Sunday at 5 pm. Become part of the fun at Town Square Park!
#BATtheatre #BurienTheater #SummerShow #SundayAt5 #TownSquarePark
#townsquarepark #sundayat5 #summershow #burientheater #battheatre
Halfway through Good Morning, Bill's run in the parks of South King County. Don't miss out and live with regret. Come to a show!!! (It's FREE.)
#BATtheatre #BurienTheater #TakingItToTheParks #SummerShow #Just4Left
#just4left #summershow #takingittotheparks #burientheater #battheatre
The comedy, Good Morning, Bill is coming to Riverton Heights Park, 3011 S 148th St, SeaTac, WA, in SeaTac, on Friday, July 28 at 7:00 pm. All the cool kids will be there, will you?
#BATtheatre #BurienTheater #SummerParksShow #SeaTac #RivertonHeightsPark
#rivertonheightspark #seatac #summerparksshow #burientheater #battheatre
BAT ordered a book on theater design, Theatre Spaces 1920-2020, Finding the Fun in Functionalism by Iain Mackintosh. You know what that means. Every ten minutes, I'll be checking the "track package" link to see if the book is any closer. (Sigh.) Why do we do this to ourselves?
#BATtheatre #BurienTheater #Waiting #WaitingWaitingWaiting #HitRefresh #BuyinBooks
#buyinbooks #hitrefresh #waitingwaitingwaiting #waiting #burientheater #battheatre
Sunday, July 23 at 5 pm, Good Morning, Bill will be at Normandy Park in Marvista Park,19990 4th Ave SW, Normandy Park, WA!
This comedy wowed last night in Federal Way.
This is my photo from tonight's rehearsal in the park.
#BATtheatre #BurienTheater #NormandyPark #SummerShow #SundayAt5
#sundayat5 #summershow #normandypark #burientheater #battheatre
It's a good day at BAT! Not only do we open Good Morning, Bill in Federal Way tomorrow, but we received our first donation of our 2023-24 Season! Community support feels great!!!
If you would like to be an early donor too, here is the link -
#BATtheatre #BurienTheater #EarlyDonor #SupportTheArts #ThankYou
#thankyou #supportthearts #earlydonor #burientheater #battheatre
Our last Kennedy Catholic High School rehearsal for our 22-23 Season was tonight. THANK YOU, Kennedy Catholic, for opening your Little Theatre to us!
Kennedy Catholic stepped up and took a risk with a theater in need. They could not have been better hosts and saved a community asset from closing. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Rumor has it will be back at Kennedy Catholic for our 2023-24 Season starting in September!
#BATtheatre #BurienTheater #KennedyCatholic #ThankYouThankYouThankYou
#thankyouthankyouthankyou #kennedycatholic #burientheater #battheatre