The view from the "stage" in Des Moines Beach Park. Sunday at 5 pm we begin the very last performance of Good Morning, Bill. at 4 pm there will be nearly an hour of theater games for all ages before the show! Bring a chair or blanket, maybe some takeout, and join us for an evening of family-friendly fun!!! (There will be a cool breeze!)
#BATtheatre #BurienTheatre #ParkShow #SummerPlay #DesMoines #DesMoinesBeachPark #LastShow #Theater
#theater #lastshow #desmoinesbeachpark #desmoines #summerplay #parkshow #burientheatre #battheatre
BAT brings Good Morning, Bill to Covington! We'll be in Covington Community Park & Soccer Field, 17649 SE 240th St, Covington this Friday at 6:30 pm! (And it's free!)
To find us, enter the park near this bit of art, and we'll be in front (grassy side) of the Margret Harto Pavilion.
#BATtheatre #BurienTheatre #ComingToCovington #SummerShow #FreeShow #TakingItToTheParks
#takingittotheparks #freeshow #summershow #comingtocovington #burientheatre #battheatre
Our gathering after the opening of Good Morning, Bill. great people to work with!
Don't miss our next performance, Sunday, July 23 at 5 pm, Normandy Park in Marvista Park,19990 4th Ave SW, Normandy Park, WA.
#BATtheatre #BurienTheatre #ParksShow #NormandyPark #MarvistaPark
#marvistapark #normandypark #parksshow #burientheatre #battheatre
Tonight. Tonight. Tonight. July 21 at 7 pm, Federal Way in Steel Lake Park, 2410 S 312th St, Federal Way!!! Good Morning, Bill
#BATtheatre #BurienTheatre #ParksShow #FederalWay #SteelLakePark #OpeningNight
#openingnight #steellakepark #federalway #parksshow #burientheatre #battheatre
It's Friday, July 21. So at 7 pm, in Federal Way's Steel Lake Park, at 2410 S 312th St, Federal Way, WA, Good Morning, Bill OPENDS! This is it . . . .
#BATtheatre #BurienTheatre #ParksShow #FderalWay #SteelLakePark #OpeningNight
#openingnight #steellakepark #fderalway #parksshow #burientheatre #battheatre
Look! The Normandy Park Arts Commission put BAT on its Summer events calendar!
Join us in Marvista Park in Normandy Park on July 23rd!!!
#BATtheatre #BurienTheatre #SummerShow #MarvistaPark #GoodMorningBill #NormandyPark
#normandypark #goodmorningbill #marvistapark #summershow #burientheatre #battheatre
A new-to-us patron came from Black Diamond to see Tiny Beautiful Things last week. Today they made a donation to BAT for GiveBIG. (Yes, early giving is going on right now!)
So nice to have new patrons and donors!
YOU make better live theater happen!
#BATtheatre #BurienTheatre #SeeAPlay #Theater #TinyBeautifulThingsPlay #TimeToGetATicket
#timetogetaticket #tinybeautifulthingsplay #theater #seeaplay #burientheatre #battheatre
What am I doing this weekend? Oh, yes, seeing the amazing production of Tiny Beautiful Things at BAT Theatre. Will you join me?
#BATtheatre #BurienTheatre #WhatToDoThisWeekend #SeeAPlay #TinyBeautifulThings
#tinybeautifulthings #seeaplay #whattodothisweekend #burientheatre #battheatre
Tech cues are all set, now it is run, run, run, run, run until we open on April 21.
#BATtheatre #BurienTheatre #TinyBeautifulThings #OpensApril21
#opensapril21 #tinybeautifulthings #burientheatre #battheatre