On the 2nd of July, between midnight and 1 a.m., the portal of a automotive dealership was ram-raided in the 14th arrondissement of Marseille, in the Arnavaux neighborhood.
The CCTV was carefully pivoted away from the area it watched. The showroom's window and the cars inside were smashed.
According to witness, a dozen of individual then expropriated a couple dozen of brand-new, unregistered cars.
The attackers dispersed at around 2 a.m. when a unit from the infamously brutal Republican Company of Security (CRS) - busy in the city center and absent in this northern part - arrived at the site.
#VengeancePourNahel #NiqueLaPolice #NiqueLaFrance #DirectRedistributionOfWealth #BurnBabyBurn
#vengeancepournahel #niquelapolice #NiqueLaFrance #directredistributionofwealth #burnbabyburn
On the 2nd of June, between midnight and 1 a.m., the portal of a automotive dealership was ram-raided in the 14th arrondissement of Marseille, in the Arnavaux neighborhood.
The CCTV was carefully pivoted away from the area it watched. The showroom's window and the cars inside were smashed.
According to witness, a dozen of individual then expropriated a couple dozen of brand-new, unregistered cars.
The attackers dispersed at around 2 a.m. when a unit from the infamously brutal Republican Company of Security (CRS) - busy in the city center and absent in this northern part - arrived at the site.
#VengeancePourNahel #NiqueLaPolice #NiqueLaFrance #DirectRedistributionOfWealth #BurnBabyBurn
#vengeancepournahel #niquelapolice #NiqueLaFrance #directredistributionofwealth #burnbabyburn
#protests spread to neighbouring #Switzerland and #Belgium: Demonstrators chant 'Justice for Nahel'.
Propert can be replaced. piano wire is perfect for this occasion!
#franceriots #justicefornahel #nahel #burnbabyburn #colonialism
#protests #switzerland #belgium #franceriots #justicefornahel #nahel #burnbabyburn #colonialism
Craving toasted croissants!
Ghosts of #colonialism comes to haunt the filthy pinkies!
#colonialism #paris #marseille #macron #getsum #burnbabyburn
#colonialist ghost comes to haunt the filthy rats! Don’t loot or burn property, eye for an eye!
#colonialist #burnbabyburn #paris #marseille
Au congrès annuel de la #NRA, où républicains et "democrates" de droite se bousculent pour être vus de leurs électeurs dingues de la gachette, Donald "Tiny" Trump a eu (encore) une idée de génie.
"Moi élu, je ferai un crédit d'impôt afin que tous les professeurs désireux d'apprendre à manier les armes et passer leur permis de port d'armes cachées, puissent se faire rembourser le coût de la formation.
5% des professeurs armés, c'est ce qu'il faudrait pour arrêter les tueurs de masse.
On pourra ainsi régler définitivement ce problème.
Qui fait mieux ? (Who's better ?)"
Solution pour en finir avec les crimes de masse : tuer les tueurs en mettant en circulation encore plus de flingues.
Fallait y penser.
#nra #burnbabyburn #republicangenius
Indicted!!! First of many. Finally.
#burnbabyburn #stormyweather #guiltygrifter
#guiltygrifter #stormyweather #burnbabyburn
Presque 10 mn de #DemocracyNow consacrées à la France et aux luttes pour venir à bout de la #contrereformedesretraites , je ne boude pas mon plaisir.
Merci à #AmyGoodman de porter notre combat au delà des frontières de l'hexagone.
Merci également à #ColeStangler pour son papier dans le #NyTimes "France is furious" qui explique parfaitement dans cette vidéo notre situation aux camarades étasuniens.
#democracynow #contrereformedesretraites #AmyGoodman #colestangler #nytimes #reformedesretaites #burnbabyburn
All that "New York is a Nets city" and "Nets run New York" garbage… for one playoff series win. #BingBong #BurnBabyBurn
All that "New York is a Nets city" and "Nets run New York" garbage… for one playoff series win. #BurnBabyBurn
The Looney justification for burning our future
“We have to invest in today’s energy system, and the reality is that today’s energy system is predominantly an oil and gas system. And that needs investment.”
#keepitintheground #burnbabyburn #pollution #emissions
@mikemaney I figured you'd hang out with the Twitter powerbrokers until it shut down. #burnbabyburn
TORBRAN! TORBRAN! Burninating the countryside! Burninating the townspeople!
For my #Monored #EDH deck, I went full on burn. Cheap, efficient, non-symmetrical burn. ALL SHALL BE REDUCED TO ASH! Wanna draw cards? BURN! Wanna play lands? BURN! Wanna continue to exist? GET BURNT NERDS!
Honestly there's not much of a long-term game plan here; drop down damage boosters and #BurnBabyBurn! Classic mono-red burn, simple yet oh so effective!
#MagicTheGathering #Commander #TCG #Deckbuilding #burn #monoredburn #Torbran
#monored #edh #burnbabyburn #magicthegathering #commander #tcg #deckbuilding #burn #monoredburn #torbran
Pour rappel, le recours au gaz pour remplacer le nucléaire est complètement assumé dans le Plan national Énergie-Climat 2030 🇧🇪 actuel. Une honte absolue.
Source: @emberclimate report, page 2
@GeorgesGilkinet @TinneVdS @PaulMagnette
Das ist nicht die Faschingsausgabe der Frankfurter Allgmeinen Zeitung, sondern eine superschlaue, ernsthafte Herleitung, warum ein #SUV über ein #Fahrrad als nachhaltige #Mobilitätslösung von morgen siegt. #BurnBabyBurn #AutoBild #ZumFremdschämen diese #FAZ
#suv #fahrrad #mobilitatslosung #burnbabyburn #autobild #zumfremdschamen #faz
Making the shift from #Twitter to #Mastodon (or literally any other SoMe) gives you the opportunity to lean back and enjoy the bonfire from afar; saddened by an era gone by, but joyous of new things to come.
#twitter #mastodon #burnbabyburn #riptwitter