Pare 🏳️‍🌈 · @Pare
18 followers · 98 posts · Server

@selfagency @musictraveler @gretathunberg What is the similarity between Trump and opposers to ? Both are of .
A little bit too simplistic as a way to argue, isn't it?
Do goverments fear that people start to shout because of prices? But they don't care for people dying because of pollution? for people forced to leave home because of coal mines?
Well, let's say to the governments that is a disaster. And isn't fearing shouters

#democracy #burningbrowncoal #activism #climate #haters #Greta

Last updated 2 years ago

MusicTraveler · @musictraveler
57 followers · 941 posts · Server

@selfagency Yes, 46% but that is not 100% and yes I agree is a disaster. I do not agree, because the state uses money to ensure energy production for a low price just as the people want. You know that in Europe billions are spend just because people start to shout and protest because the price of energy was a little higher 🤷🏻‍♀️ so please be realistic about what the governments can do without creating total anarchy. Most People are difficult and not realistic.


Last updated 2 years ago