This is a very good talk and sessions from the (free) GDC Vault of 2023 about burnout! 📹
Check yourself and your health as you only have 1 life and a burnout is not only about exhaustion! #stressrehab #burnoutprevention
#stressrehab #burnoutprevention
The Australian research that's rewriting the book on burnout – and the five red flags to watch for
Burnout is frequently confused with depression but research is underway to classify it as a mental health condition in its own right.
#burnout #burnoutrecovery #burnoutprevention
The Australian research that's rewriting the book on #Burnout and the five red flags to watch for #burnoutprevention
Work can hurt, especially if we support online groups or communities. When we bring people together, we have to handle other people's anger, distress, or more.
This thoughtful article helps explain the impact of managing online groups and communities and the health and wellbeing risks in handling toxic and harmful content and behaviour
#cmgr #communitymanagement #communitymanagers #moderation #ugc #vicarioustrauma #burnoutprevention
#burnoutprevention #vicarioustrauma #UGC #Moderation #communitymanagers #communitymanagement #cmgr
In this on-line 75-minute workshop, we’ll combine Ayurvedic wisdom with modern scientific research to learn how to heal and prevent burnout. Ayurvedic practices help us to reduce stress and balance our energy by living in harmony with the cycles of nature. Learn the fundamentals of Ayurveda and how to apply them to your life in order to get out of the burnout cycle for good.
#burnoutrecovery #burnoutprevention #XRNYC #activists #changemaker
#burnoutrecovery #burnoutprevention #xrnyc #activists #changemaker
Fighting to slow climate change and dismantle systems of oppression can be exhausting. Of course you’re tired, you’re trying to change the world!
#burnoutrecovery #burnoutprevention #XRNYC #activists #changemaker
#burnoutrecovery #burnoutprevention #xrnyc #activists #changemaker
This is another oldie. And, a reminder to always give yourself a break when you need one, especially when you start to feel burnout. #oldart #oldcomic #olddrawing #traditionaldrawing #burnout #burnoutprevention
#oldart #oldcomic #olddrawing #traditionaldrawing #burnout #burnoutprevention
RT @ResaELewiss
Glad to support the 10th Annual HealthIMPACT Live "Powering the Healthcare System of the Future today" with discussions including patient quality and safety, #HealthTech , #BurnoutPrevention, and the @SharpIndex #Awards2023
#healthtech #burnoutprevention #awards2023
The lesson in backing off: Why taking a step back can be crucial for physician wellness
We are trained to work hard and to do everything in our power to help our patients. But what happens when the work becomes too much? What happens when the weight of the responsibilities feels too heavy to bear?
Elizabeth LaRusso is a psychiatrist.
Listen here:
#physicianwellness #balance #burnoutprevention #healthcareproviders #medicine #workhard
#PhysicianWellness #balance #burnoutprevention #healthcareproviders #medicine #workhard
Happy New Year! It’s been a good one in my little corner of the world. Nice beef roast, some good TV in from of the fire and a decent dog walk.
I’m not sure how I feel about resolutions - but this year I’m going to try to achieve better work/life balance, rest more and find time to do things I enjoy! Sometimes, I do work too hard and have been skirting the edges of burnout. #rest #balance #burnoutprevention #burnout #recuperation #nhs #worklifebalance #familyTime #walks #getoutmore
#rest #balance #burnoutprevention #burnout #recuperation #NHS #worklifebalance #familytime #walks #getoutmore
🌹Yes, we care
🌹Yes, these ill couples must be in rooms together
🌹Yes, I t’s all that matters
🌹Yes, this is good medicine
🌹Yes, it brings healing even in death
🌹Yes…it prevents our hearts from breaking & saves care givers, too‼️
#EveryDeepDrawnBreath true love stories that show we are all connected. This, my friends, is #burnoutprevention
#everydeepdrawnbreath #burnoutprevention
The handmaiden revolt - the nursing staff crisis
A shortage of nurses puts a strain on not only patients and staff, but also has adverse effects on outcomes, experience, and drives up costs.
Here’s how #Snowflake #Snowpark can help address the staffing crisis many healthcare orgs are facing:
#burnoutprevention #nurses #nursestaffing #hranalytics #fightburnout #healthit #healthtech #snowflakedatacloud #python
#Snowflake #snowpark #burnoutprevention #nurses #nursestaffing #hranalytics #fightburnout #healthit #healthtech #snowflakedatacloud #python
It’s been just a week since Clare Travis of Create Clarity coaching and I delivered our Creative Reset webinar, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to hear it’s already making a difference - with at least one arts org giving their team time off over new year without them having to use annual leave. Small things can make a big difference.
#CreativeReset #SelfCare #DutyOfCare #LessIsNecessary #Burnout #BurnoutPrevention #ArtsLife
#creativereset #selfcare #DutyOfCare #LessIsNecessary #burnout #burnoutprevention #ArtsLife
Listing some of my favorite things so folks can find me and connect:
#primarycare #telemedicine #telehealth #coaching #physiciancoaching #yoga #hiking #physicianwellness #burnout #burnoutprevention #wellness #burnoutrecovery #perfectionism #impostorsyndrome #westie #ballet #internalmedicine #eatingdisorder #eatingdisordercare #dpc #systemchange #momsofmastodon #graydrinking #sobriety
#primarycare #telemedicine #telehealth #Coaching #physiciancoaching #yoga #hiking #PhysicianWellness #burnout #burnoutprevention #wellness #burnoutrecovery #perfectionism #impostorsyndrome #westie #ballet #internalmedicine #eatingdisorder #eatingdisordercare #dpc #systemchange #momsofmastodon #GrayDrinking #sobriety
Listing some of my favorite things so folks can find me and connect:
#primarycare #telemedicine #telehealth #coaching #physiciancoaching #yoga #hiking #physicianwellness #burnout #burnoutprevention #wellness #burnoutrecovery #perfectionism #impostorsyndrome #westie #ballet #internalmedicine #eatingdisorder #eatingdisordercare #dpc #systemchange #momsofmastodon
#primarycare #telemedicine #telehealth #Coaching #physiciancoaching #yoga #hiking #PhysicianWellness #burnout #burnoutprevention #wellness #burnoutrecovery #perfectionism #impostorsyndrome #westie #ballet #internalmedicine #eatingdisorder #eatingdisordercare #dpc #systemchange #momsofmastodon
Hey everyone,
I'm very excited to be here!
I'm an ex-academic and a burnout survivor with a strong interest in psychosocial wellbeing and a passion for normalising mental health-related conversations.
Currently, I work as data steward at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in #Belgium.
My side hustle is #BurnoutCoaching for #academics.
Looking forward to build a social network here, talking about all things #Burnout, #BurnoutPrevention, and #BurnoutRecovery, as well as #ResearchDataManagement.
#researchdatamanagement #burnoutrecovery #burnoutprevention #burnout #academics #burnoutcoaching #belgium