I’ve been recovering from burnout. It’s not enough to rest. Instead, I found it therapeutic to do things slowly. The last few days I have been mindfully cooking, reading slowly, reordering my pantry and sorted through my kitchen drawer. Regardless of the outcome, the act of doing these things has helped immensely. I think I will change my #BurnoutRecovery hashtag to #SlowLiving from now on.
My week off so far, spent an hour on zoom talking to one of my colleagues about work. Gah. Modern work allows easy interruptions into rest time. ❤️ Now heading back into a delicious immersion into my library and pens. ❤️ #BurnoutRecovery
It’s mid semester break next week and I am going to take the week off. First time ever. Even during undergrad years, I’d always be doing some extra work or catching up. I was encouraged by one of my mentors to get on my bike and go somewhere, so that’s what I’ll do!#BurnoutRecovery #AcademicChatter
#burnoutrecovery #academicchatter
3:50pm: Finished work for the day, I'm going for a rid on my scooter before the sun leaves us today #motorcycle #BurnoutRecovery
Implementing OKRs brings to light fascinating truths about organizations and how they operate: leader behavior (and coherence or incoherence of it); beliefs about accountability and ownership of both the responsibilities and benefits of labor; and in some cases, deeply held biases and even gaslighting become visible for everyone to see.
#OKRs #OKR #WorkplaceTrauma #Burnout #BurnoutRecovery #MentalHealth
#okrs #okr #workplacetrauma #burnout #burnoutrecovery #mentalhealth
For the other two groups: if you're open to a more activist take on OKRs, I'm that writer.
I started working with OKRs a few years ago (personally) because of my need for an objectively quantifiable way to maintain my (relative) sanity working in environments where the goal posts were always moving.
#OKRs #OKR #WorkplaceTrauma #Burnout #BurnoutRecovery #MentalHealth
#okrs #okr #workplacetrauma #burnout #burnoutrecovery #mentalhealth
Navigating burnout: recognizing the signs and seeking balance
#NavigatingBurnout #RecognizingTheSigns #SeekingBalance #WellbeingInMedicine #PhysicianHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #BurnoutRecovery #FindingBalance #SelfCareJourney #HealthcareProfessionals
Amna Shabbir is an internal medicine physician.
Listen here: https://kevinmd.com/podcast
#navigatingburnout #recognizingthesigns #seekingbalance #wellbeinginmedicine #physicianhealth #mentalhealthawareness #burnoutrecovery #findingbalance #selfcarejourney #healthcareprofessionals
I'm about to take the month of July off work to exercise, do art, cook, and rest. Hope it will be a chance to recover a little! #burnoutrecovery
What's the farthest thing away from you that you can see right now?
How do your eyes feel when they focus at that distance? How do they feel when you focus on something right in front of you?Â
#AskingAutistics #ActuallyAutistic #BurnoutRecovery #Sensory #Interoception
#askingautistics #actuallyautistic #burnoutrecovery #sensory #interoception
JUST ANNOUNCED: our self-guided program for rest and healing, known as HAVEN, is back.
If you're struggling with burnout and overwhelm, this one's for you. Do it from anywhere, on your own schedule. 28 days of prompts to help you create rest & recovery and safe space for yourself in your own life.
Class starts April 1. In 15 to 30 minutes a day, build habits and relief into your daily life.
Registration is now open: https://gaialeadershipproject.qwkcheckout.com/haven2023
#overwhelm #burnoutrecovery #burnout #stressrelief
The Australian research that's rewriting the book on burnout – and the five red flags to watch for
Burnout is frequently confused with depression but research is underway to classify it as a mental health condition in its own right.
#burnout #burnoutrecovery #burnoutprevention
In this on-line 75-minute workshop, we’ll combine Ayurvedic wisdom with modern scientific research to learn how to heal and prevent burnout. Ayurvedic practices help us to reduce stress and balance our energy by living in harmony with the cycles of nature. Learn the fundamentals of Ayurveda and how to apply them to your life in order to get out of the burnout cycle for good.
#burnoutrecovery #burnoutprevention #XRNYC #activists #changemaker
#burnoutrecovery #burnoutprevention #xrnyc #activists #changemaker
Fighting to slow climate change and dismantle systems of oppression can be exhausting. Of course you’re tired, you’re trying to change the world!
#burnoutrecovery #burnoutprevention #XRNYC #activists #changemaker
#burnoutrecovery #burnoutprevention #xrnyc #activists #changemaker
Looking at hiring a hot desk in the local village one to two days a week to try and lower distractions and up my word count. Cos seriously. Something needs to change this year. And if I don't do it now...
Anyone else tried the hot desk thing? Or is the library/local coffee shop doing it for you? Am I the only one who sees a gazillion methods of procrastinating at home?
#romancelandia #romancewriter #amwritingromance #amwriting #writingcommunity #writerproblems #writers #burnoutrecovery
#burnoutrecovery #writers #writerproblems #writingcommunity #amwriting #amwritingromance #romancewriter #romancelandia
Ik ga al drie dagen erg lekker op gebeid van reĂŻntegreren / niet stil vallen.
Mijn inbreng en inzet bij toneel wordt steeds intensiever en effectiever. Ik haal er ook steeds meer energie uit terug.
Zojuist initieerde ik zelf een shopdate. Ik haat shoppen maar het is voor #hijvan70plus Ă©n met m'n beste vriendin, dus fijn.
Ik zit in een piek. 'Dus': elk dal, is weer uit te komen.
Ergo; de hierop volgende dalen lukken mij ook wel weer.
Ik kom er wel.
#cptsd #cptss #burnoutrecovery #burnout #HijVan70Plus
For me, relaxing is often making something with my hands, so my mind can rest.
I’m learning basic woodworking joins these days. It’s different from my other crafts, and it feels good to be a beginner.
#BurnoutRecovery #WoodWorking #craft
#burnoutrecovery #woodworking #craft
Listing some of my favorite things so folks can find me and connect:
#primarycare #telemedicine #telehealth #coaching #physiciancoaching #yoga #hiking #physicianwellness #burnout #burnoutprevention #wellness #burnoutrecovery #perfectionism #impostorsyndrome #westie #ballet #internalmedicine #eatingdisorder #eatingdisordercare #dpc #systemchange #momsofmastodon #graydrinking #sobriety
#primarycare #telemedicine #telehealth #Coaching #physiciancoaching #yoga #hiking #PhysicianWellness #burnout #burnoutprevention #wellness #burnoutrecovery #perfectionism #impostorsyndrome #westie #ballet #internalmedicine #eatingdisorder #eatingdisordercare #dpc #systemchange #momsofmastodon #GrayDrinking #sobriety
Listing some of my favorite things so folks can find me and connect:
#primarycare #telemedicine #telehealth #coaching #physiciancoaching #yoga #hiking #physicianwellness #burnout #burnoutprevention #wellness #burnoutrecovery #perfectionism #impostorsyndrome #westie #ballet #internalmedicine #eatingdisorder #eatingdisordercare #dpc #systemchange #momsofmastodon
#primarycare #telemedicine #telehealth #Coaching #physiciancoaching #yoga #hiking #PhysicianWellness #burnout #burnoutprevention #wellness #burnoutrecovery #perfectionism #impostorsyndrome #westie #ballet #internalmedicine #eatingdisorder #eatingdisordercare #dpc #systemchange #momsofmastodon
Hey everyone,
I'm very excited to be here!
I'm an ex-academic and a burnout survivor with a strong interest in psychosocial wellbeing and a passion for normalising mental health-related conversations.
Currently, I work as data steward at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in #Belgium.
My side hustle is #BurnoutCoaching for #academics.
Looking forward to build a social network here, talking about all things #Burnout, #BurnoutPrevention, and #BurnoutRecovery, as well as #ResearchDataManagement.
#researchdatamanagement #burnoutrecovery #burnoutprevention #burnout #academics #burnoutcoaching #belgium