#lufthansa #nfts #mariovalente #airmiles #criptoativos #maluco #nfts #jpegs #semvalorintrinseco #rightclickSaveAs #semregistoBdP #cartaopontospastelariamirita #estaophodidos #burros #ignorantes #incompetentes
#lufthansa #nfts #mariovalente #airmiles #criptoativos #maluco #JPEGs #semvalorintrinseco #rightclicksaveas #semregistobdp #cartaopontospastelariamirita #estaophodidos #burros #ignorantes #incompetentes
#Burros, #mulos y otros #animales. https://letrasprestadas-clubpickwick.blogspot.com/2019/08/burros-mulos-y-otros-animales.html Te propongo un paseo junto a los burros, esos animales modestos y humildes que han acompañado durante tanto tiempo al ser humano y han desaparecido de su vida. Nos acompañan obras literarias y musicales dedicadas a ellos
#Burros, #mulos y otros animales. https://letrasprestadas-clubpickwick.blogspot.com/2019/08/burros-mulos-y-otros-animales.html Te propongo un paseo junto a los burros, esos animales modestos y humildes que han acompañado durante tanto tiempo al ser humano y han desaparecido de su vida. Nos acompañan obras literarias y musicales dedicados a ellos
But this is just the tip of the iceberg since many #KillPens directly ship #horses and #burros to #slaughter without ever advertising them. The true number of wild horses and burros entering the slaughter #pipeline as a direct result of the #AIP is likely much larger than what AWHC's investigation has uncovered to date.
It's obvious: Handing out cash to adopt #WildAnimals is a dangerous and fiscally irresponsible plan.
#wildanimals #aip #pipeline #slaughter #burros #horses #killpens
In this report, #AWHC investigators uncovered the following:
- Over 1,000 #BLM -branded #WildHorses and #burros were identified in #KillPens in 22 months.
- Over a dozen known groups of related individuals have adopted multiple wild horses and burros to the same address, then flipped all the animals to kill pens as a group after receiving the full #IncentivePayments.
#incentivepayments #killpens #burros #wildhorses #blm #awhc
Last year, the American Wild Horse Campaign (#AWHC) released an explosive investigative #report that detailed the devastating and deadly consequences of the Bureau of Land Management's ( #BLM ) cash incentive-based adoption program, known as the Adoption Incentive Program ( #AIP ). The AIP pays individuals $1,000 per #animal to #adopt up to four wild, unhandled BLM #mustangs and #burros a year.
#burros #mustangs #adopt #animal #aip #blm #report #awhc
We're calling on the #WhiteHouse and #Congress to take action to put an end to the suffering our wild herds endure during these brutal #helicopter #roundups. Right now, the House and #Senate are in the process of markups for the #Interior budget bill that will impact #WildHorses and #burros – meaning time is of the essence to enact the changes needed to protect and preserve these national icons.
#burros #wildhorses #interior #senate #roundups #helicopter #congress #whitehouse
Despite irrefutable evidence, the agency continues to publicly claim that no #horses or #burros are being sent into the #slaughter pipeline as a result of this program. Take a moment to listen to #AWHC 's Investigations Manager, Amelia Perrin address this in her comments to the Advisory Board this week."
#AmericanWildhorseCampaign #StopTheRoundUps #HaltTheHelicopters #rewilding #WildHorses #ProtectOurWildlife 🐎
#protectourwildlife #wildhorses #rewilding #haltthehelicopters #StopTheRoundups #americanwildhorsecampaign #awhc #slaughter #burros #horses
The #ranchers want to use more and more of the #PublicLand the #WildHorses and #Burros live on to graze their privately-owned #livestock since it's #subsidized by your tax dollars.
#ProtectOurWildlife #EndAnimalAg #HaltTheHelicopters #StopTheRoundups 🐎
#StopTheRoundups #haltthehelicopters #endanimalag #protectourwildlife #subsidized #livestock #burros #wildhorses #publicland #ranchers
During this government #roundup on this habitat 11 wild horses, including four babies, died at the #trap, not even making it into the holding pens.
The next series of roundups start tomorrow. The #AmericanWildHorseCampaign (#AWHC) are working hard to stop these brutal helicopter operations from being used against wild herds.
The #Wildhorses and #Burros #roundups are happening because powerful #ranching private interest groups have #lobbied for roundup and removals in #Washington for decades.
#washington #lobbied #ranching #roundups #burros #wildhorses #awhc #americanwildhorsecampaign #trap #roundup
The Save America's Forgotten Equines (#SAFE) Act (H.R. 3475/S. 2037) would prohibit the sale, transport, and export of #horses for the purpose of slaughter, as well as the sale of horse meat for human consumption. The bill also includes provisions to prevent the use of federal funds for horse slaughter inspections, which would effectively ban horse slaughter in the #UnitedStates. Please take action right now to protect horses and #burros from slaughter!
#burros #unitedstates #horses #safe
La domesticación del burro https://lasendadeapolo.blog/2022/09/13/la-domesticacion-del-burro/ Un nuevo estudio que publica la revista Science reconstruye por primer vez la historia y la propagación de estos animales a lo largo del tiempo.
Gracias al análisis genómico de ejemplares actuales y antiguos, los autores han encontrado evidencia de un único evento de domesticación que tuvo lugar en África hacia el 5.000 a.C. A partir de entonces, se difundieron rápidamente por los continentes. #burros #historia #prehistoria #agricultura
#burros #historia #prehistoria #agricultura
Livestock operators have made millions of dollars from government contracts that pay them to roundup #WildHorses and #burros from our #PublicLands and stockpile them in miserable feedlot pens. It is time to #HaltTheHelicopters!
#haltthehelicopters #publiclands #burros #wildhorses
Livestock operators have made millions of dollars from government contracts that pay them to roundup #WildHorses and #burros from our #PublicLands and stockpile them in miserable feedlot pens. It is time to #HaltTheHelicopters!
#haltthehelicopters #publiclands #burros #wildhorses
Livestock operators have made millions of dollars from government contracts that pay them to roundup #WildHorses and #burros from our #PublicLands and stockpile them in miserable feedlot pens. It is time to #HaltTheHelicopters and to #StopTheRoundUps !
#StopTheRoundups #haltthehelicopters #publiclands #burros #wildhorses
Livestock operators have made millions of dollars from government contracts that pay them to roundup #WildHorses and #burros from our #PublicLands and stockpile them in miserable feedlot pens. It is time to #HaltTheHelicopters and to #StopTheRoundUps 🐎
#StopTheRoundups #haltthehelicopters #publiclands #burros #wildhorses
#Livestock operators have made millions of dollars from government contracts that pay them to roundup #WildHorses and #burros from our #PublicLands and stockpile them in miserable feedlot pens.
It is time to #HaltTheHelicopters! 🐎
#protectourwildlife #StopTheRoundups #haltthehelicopters #publiclands #burros #wildhorses #livestock