<< Violación del artículo 334 de la Ley de Salud Pública: Obtuvo un orgasmo por métodos fraudulentos. >>
-Almuerzo Desnudo, de William S. #Burroughs-
#HappySpringtime2023 #JörgFauser, 1944 in #BadSchwalbach geboren, hat lange gebraucht, bis er, der literarisch (Hoch-)Begabte, ins Schreiben kam. Autobiographisch grundiert, verglich man ihn rasch mit den amerikanischen Beatniks wie #AllenGinsberg, #JackKerouac oder #WilliamSBurroughs - und blieb doch #Geheimtip für Eingeweihte. Jetzt erscheinen seine Briefe an die Eltern im Zürcher #Diogenes-Verlag.
#happyspringtime2023 #jorgfauser #badschwalbach #allenginsberg #jackkerouac #williamsburroughs #geheimtip #diogenes #fauser #ginsberg #kerouac #burroughs #beatgeneration
#HappySpringtime2023 #JörgFauser, 1944 in #BadSchwalbach geboren, hat lange gebraucht, bis er, der literarisch (Hoch-)Begabte, ins Schreiben kam. Autobiographisch grundiert, verglich man ihn rasch mit den amerikanischen Beatniks wie #AllenGinsberg, #JackKerouac oder #WilliamSBurroughs - und blieb doch #Geheimtip für Eingeweihte. Jetzt erscheinen seine Briefe an die Eltern im Zürcher #Diogenes-Verlag.
#happyspringtime2023 #jorgfauser #badschwalbach #allenginsberg #jackkerouac #WilliamSBurroughs #geheimtip #diogenes #fauser #ginsberg #kerouac #burroughs #beatgeneration
About to start re-reading Nova Express by William S Burroughs. I've not read it for around 40 years, but its satirical take on all that is rotten in society seems prime for the current moment. We shall see! #books #reading #WSB #Burroughs #NovaExpress
#books #reading #wsb #burroughs #novaexpress
Rarely seen photo of novelist William #Burroughs and poet Allen #Ginsberg on Halloween 1996 by Philip Heying. (Burroughs is not holding an iPhone, but a knife in a case.) Both men died within the year.
William Seward #Burroughs, born OTD in 1857, grandfather of the author, invented the first successful adding machine in the United States, he did not leave a vast fortune to his descendants https://toilet-guru.com/wsb-sewers.html?s=mb #WSB #WSBurroughs #travel
#burroughs #wsb #wsburroughs #travel
William Seward Burroughs I, founder of #Burroughs Corporation and grandfather of the author, was born OTD in 1855 https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/new-york-w-s-burroughs/?s=mb #travel #WSBurroughs
#burroughs #travel #wsburroughs
En mi canal de Telegram escribí sobre William S. #Burroughs y su faceta como artista visual.
Lxs invito a leer: https://t.me/unmundodecolores
#art #arte #literature #literatura #culture #cultura #MastodonCultural
#burroughs #art #arte #literature #literatura #culture #cultura #mastodoncultural
📣 New Toon 💬
"God is contented with Himself alone; if you have him, you may be contented with him alone; and it may be, that is the reason that your outward comforts are taken from you, that God may be all in all to you." - Jeremiah Burroughs, The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment
#illustration #drawing #reftoons #christian #comics #contentment #burroughs #jeremiahburroughs #puritan #reformedtheology #reformed
#illustration #drawing #reftoons #christian #comics #contentment #burroughs #jeremiahburroughs #puritan #reformedtheology #reformed
"Suspicious of this so-called 'AI art.' What does it mean for a machine to create something that we traditionally consider to be a product of human emotion and imagination? Are we now to believe that machines are capable of artistic expression? This seems like a dangerous road to go down, as it could lead to the further erosion of what makes us human." - William Burroughs ghost spoken through ChatGPT
#williamburroughs #burroughs #selfportrait #chatgpt #aiportraits #aiart #midjourney
#williamburroughs #burroughs #selfportrait #chatgpt #aiportraits #aiart #midjourney
One thing I hadn't realized about computers with 6 or 7 bit bytes is that at least some of them were "alphanumeric" or "character oriented", which I think means that any numbers it used (except perhaps addresses) would appear in memory as a sequence of decimal digits. Which may explain #BASIC.
Then there's the #Burroughs #B2500 and #B3500, both of which operated exclusively in decimal including for addresses, were addressible down to the 4 bit digit, and could interpret an 8 bit byte as 2 4 bit BCD digits or as an ASCII or EBCDIC character. I assume there must have been different instructions for the different types.
I like the idea of having only a "character" data type. It must have made debugging and programming in machine language a lot easier.
#basic #burroughs #B2500 #B3500 #retrocomputing
#Lady #Molly #Burroughs #Keller puppy cuddling with her #mommy 😍
#lady #molly #burroughs #keller #mommy
Cuddle with her mommy, #lady #Molly #Burroughs #Keller on the love seat couch
#lady #molly #burroughs #keller
A.J. is an #agent like me, but for whom or for what no one has been able to discover. It is rumored that he represents a trust of giant #insects from another #galaxy...
- William #Burroughs #NakedLunch
#nakedlunch #burroughs #galaxy #Insects #agent
@larrybob Yes, I wish Bill have been around to see my novel *Turing & Burroughs*. I channeled him a lot...and found a somewhat fair way to deal with the issue of him killing his wife Joan (she gets even). https://www.rudyrucker.com/turingandburroughs/
#burroughs #turing #beat #novel
#burroughs #turing #beat #novel
I’ve been a lifelong aficionado of Edgar Rice Burroughs (ERB, born 1875), particularly of his Barsoom (Mars) series, but also his Pellucidar and Caspak series. Well, I’ve enjoyed pretty much all of them, including, of course, the iconic Tarzan novels for which he is best known... #ERB #Burroughs #Barsoom
RT @MDSResource@twitter.com
There may be other universes based on all sorts of other principles, but ours seems to be based on #war & games ~ William #Burroughs
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MDSResource/status/416365024618106880