GregCocks · @GregCocks
604 followers · 545 posts · Server
Pat · @Pat
158 followers · 3683 posts · Server

The Agronomic Revolution happened about 538 million years ago.

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= A statement that is logically or literally true (or partly true), but seems to imply something that isn’t true or is just plain weird. (for rhetoric, logic or propaganda studies… or just for fun)

#immigration #agriculture #food #animals #plants #burrows #soil #MicrobalMat #earth #plow #revolution #ancient #truthbetold

Last updated 1 year ago

Pat · @Pat
158 followers · 3683 posts · Server

The Agronomic Revolution happened about 538 million years ago.

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= A statement that is logically or literally true (or partly true), but seems to imply something that isn’t true or is just plain weird. (for rhetoric, logic or propaganda studies… or just for fun)

#food #soil #plow #immigration #agriculture #animals #burrows #truthbetold #plants #MicrobalMat #earth

Last updated 1 year ago

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Funny Looking Angels:
🎵 Smith & Burrows

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#radioeins #nowplaying #smith #burrows

Last updated 2 years ago

Tobias Laabs · @TobiasLaabs
47 followers · 451 posts · Server

Mir tut ja ein wenig leid. So viele Spiele hat er bestimmt lange nicht mehr verloren. Aber wenn man als Team so schlecht spielt, verliert man eben auch

hat es tatsächlich noch geschafft.

#Brady #burrows #nfl #cinvstb

Last updated 2 years ago