Help support our Clean Up Australia Day event!
#cleanup #bushcare #shoalhaven
#cleanup #bushcare #Shoalhaven
One of the trees growing at Ekibin Creek is the iconic Australian Red Cedar (Toona ciliata). During the early years of European settlement this species was extensively logged for its valuable timber. Its soft wood, with a deep red grain, is ideal for making fine furniture. It is a deciduous rainforest species found all along the east coast of Australia with Brisbane in the middle of its range. It is pleasing to see it doing so well in a regenerated riparian rainforest. #BushCare #regeneration
i spent the morning picking out Madeira Vine (Anredera cordifolia) tubers on the sides of Ekibin Creek (near Mt. Gravatt). this is a serious environmental weed that can grow over and smother even large trees. our bushcare group have removed or poisoned many large outbreaks, but it will take several more years to clear the remaining tubers.
#BushCare #WeedControl
It was hard work in Brisbane's humidity and rain this morning, but we rolled-up a carpet of weed (Tradescantia) next to Perrin Creek, Seven Hills. Next, we'll mulch the cleared area with wood-chip to suppress any weed regrowth. After that, surrounding native plants (grasses, lomandra, and scrambling lily) will be transplanted to regenerate this rainforest edge.
#bushcare #weeds