US Supreme Court discussion of student loans yesterday featured "conservative" Judges explaining why a law passed by Congress was *wrong* and *unfair* in their minds, which apparently allows them to block its use. This is not a discussion compatible with the US #Constitution, but neither was was #BushvGore decision.
How Bush v. Gore led to the new monumental challenge to presidential election rules
#BushvGore #election2000 #Rehnquist
#bushvgore #election2000 #rehnquist
📣 New Podcast! "Episode 1169 - Bush v Gore schemers Stone and McCarty together again on White House pardon list" on @Spreaker #bushvgore #demoniacresistance #floridapolitics #marymccarty #nullification2020 #nullification2021 #presidenttrump #TrumpPardons #RogerStone
#bushvgore #DemoniacResistance #floridapolitics #marymccarty #Nullification2020 #nullification2021 #presidenttrump #TrumpPardons #rogerstone