Reporting Cyberattacks Will Soon Be Mandatory. Is Your Company Ready?
Check it out! 👇
#DigitalArticle #RiskManagement #BusinessLaw #GovernmentPolicyAndRegulation #CybersecurityAndDigitalPrivacy
#digitalarticle #riskmanagement #businesslaw #governmentpolicyandregulation #cybersecurityanddigitalprivacy
Today at 10am (PST): Generative AI: Trouble in Paradise?
Generative AI tools like ChatGPT are all the rage, but do they have a copyright problem? These AI tools rely on computer code developed by others and in 2022, a class-action lawsuit was filed arguing that these tools violate the rights of the original programmers. Join Joseph Saveri, one of the lawyers behind the lawsuit, Berkeley Law Professor @pamelasamuelson, and Mena Kaplan of Freshfields, to discuss these issues.
This webinar is presented with the Berkeley Spring Forum on M&A and the Boardroom. It is also the second of three webinars associated with the Berkeley Law AI Institute.
#AI #ChatGPT #LawFedi #LawSchool #BusinessLaw #ExecEd #Copyright #IP
#ai #chatgpt #lawfedi #LawSchool #businesslaw #execed #copyright #ip
What Business Needs to Know About the New U.S. Cybersecurity Strategy
Check it out! 👇
#DigitalArticle #TechnologyAndAnalytics #GovernmentPolicyAndRegulation #BusinessLaw #RiskManagement #CybersecurityAndDigitalPrivacy
#digitalarticle #technologyandanalytics #governmentpolicyandregulation #businesslaw #riskmanagement #cybersecurityanddigitalprivacy
Sure, you do mediations, but do you do #aerospace mediations?
Actually, I do.
My unique understanding of traditional #businesslaw, #internationallaw, and #spacelaw allows me to conduct #mediations and #arbitrations geared specifically towards the aerospace industry.
I understand the inherent differences between the working environment at space companies as compared to other businesses and I also appreciate the large investments and years of work that go into all aerospace projects.
#arbitrations #mediations #spacelaw #internationallaw #businesslaw #aerospace
How can #SustainableValueCreation be facilitated also in #SMEs and #cooperatives? Much discussion about #SustainableBusiness concentrates on large listed corporations, often with an Anglo-American emphasis. At this hybrid conference, we concentrate on #EUlaw and #SouthernEurope. We bring together scholars from #SustainabilityScience, from #BusinessLaw, #Finance and #Management, discussing sustainable value creation in #Spain, #Italy, #Portugal and #Greece. Join us!
#sustainablevaluecreation #smes #cooperatives #SustainableBusiness #eulaw #southerneurope #sustainabilityscience #businesslaw #finance #management #spain #italy #portugal #greece
Are you disclosing how the information is collected, stored, used, and shared from your website chatbot?
Without proper privacy policies and disclosure, you may be risking a lawsuit.
#businesslaw #litigation #privacy #lawfedi #chatbot
The comment period is open!
Let the FTC know what you think about non-comeptes and how they have affected your business.
Did you delay starting your own business because of a non-compete? Did you have to forego a new hire? Maybe you had to defend against a company trying to tell you to fire your new rockstar. Or perhaps the rockstar left your company and took all your customers.
Ok time to do a hashtag post so y'all know a bit more who I am.
Places I'm from / have lived:
Alma Maters:
#TCTCM (Texas College of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
Topics formally studied:
#Business (MBA)
#texas #lubbock #houston #tomball #collegestation #dallas #austin #northcarolina #asheville #washington #vancouver #oregon #portland #newmexico #cloudcroft #utdallas #stedwardsuniversity #tctcm #business #acupuncture #psychology #medicine #businesslaw #economics
The Law of Elon Musk. Sounds to be an interesting exploration of the convergence of agency law and the shareholder primacy theory. Interesting!
#lawfedi #businesslaw #lawprofs #uclalaw
Join us as we go beyond financial risks of #ClimateChange to a research-based concept of risks encompassing #PlanetaryBoundaries & #SocialFoundations & discuss its integration in #finance, #accounting & #companylaw #corpgov!
When: 7-8 December
Where: Hybrid, Oslo & Zoom.
Open for all, so register today!
#unsustainabilityrisks #sustainability #unsustainability #businesslaw
#businesslaw #unsustainability #sustainability #unsustainabilityrisks #CorpGov #companylaw #accounting #finance #SocialFoundations #planetaryboundaries #climatechange
In this #SSRN paper, @BeateSjafjell and I propose that business law theory should be reconceptualised. We explain why and suggest how - and we are looking forward to constructive comments before we submit this as an article to a journal!
#SustainabilityLaw #LegalTheory #Interdisciplinarity #Sustainability #RegulatoryEcology #BusinessLaw #CompanyLaw #Law #Economics
#economics #law #companylaw #businesslaw #regulatoryecology #sustainability #interdisciplinarity #legaltheory #sustainabilitylaw #ssrn
#Introduction: I am Jukka. I work at the University of Oslo as Professor of Law and at the University of Helsinki as Professor of Cooperative Law. I am involved at several research groups and projects (see my description).
My #hashtag #hashtags : #sustainabilitylaw #corporatesustainability #corporategovernance #sustainablegovernance #accounting #auditing #companylaw #companylawtheory #businesslaw #regulatoryecology #legaltheory #interdisciplinarity #legalhistory #sustainability and much more
#sustainability #legalhistory #interdisciplinarity #legaltheory #regulatoryecology #businesslaw #companylawtheory #companylaw #auditing #accounting #sustainablegovernance #corporategovernance #CorporateSustainability #sustainabilitylaw #hashtags #hashtag #introduction
I#sustainabilitylaw #corporatesustainability #corporategovernance #sustainablegovernance #accounting #auditing #companylaw #companylawtheory #businesslaw #regulatoryecology #legaltheory #interdisciplinarity #legalhistory #sustainability and much more
#sustainability #legalhistory #interdisciplinarity #legaltheory #regulatoryecology #businesslaw #companylawtheory #companylaw #auditing #accounting #sustainablegovernance #corporategovernance #CorporateSustainability #hashtags #hashtag
In this paper, @jukkamahonen and I propose that business law theory should be reconceptualised. We explain why and suggest how - and we are looking forward to constructive comments before we submit this as an article to a journal! #SustainabilityLaw #LegalTheory #Interdisciplinarity #Sustainability #RegulatoryEcology #BusinessLaw #CompanyLaw #Law #Economics
#SustainabilityLaw #legaltheory #interdisciplinarity #sustainability #regulatoryecology #businesslaw #CompanyLaw #law #economics
Happy that research I am involved raises interest!
#corporatelaw #companylaw #businesslaw #finance #company #corporation #accounting #auditing #audit #corporatesustainability #sustainabilitylaw #sustainability #interdisciplinarity #legaltheory
#corporatelaw #CompanyLaw #businesslaw #finance #company #corporation #accounting #auditing #audit #CorporateSustainability #SustainabilityLaw #sustainability #interdisciplinarity #legaltheory
Happy that research I am involved raises interest!
#corporatelaw #companylaw #businesslaw #finance #company #corporation #accounting #auditing #audit #corporatesustainability #sustainabilitylaw #sustainability #interdisciplinarity #legaltheory
#CorporateLaw #companylaw #businesslaw #finance #company #corporation #accounting #auditing #audit #CorporateSustainability #sustainabilitylaw #sustainability #interdisciplinarity #LegalTheory
Full paper available from @BeateSjafjell and myself!
Interdisciplinarising Legal Theory: Towards a Reconceptualisation of Business Law
#SSRN #interdisciplinarity #legaltheory #companylawtheory #businesslaw #sustainability
#ssrn #interdisciplinarity #LegalTheory #companylawtheory #businesslaw #sustainability
Documentalist / Knowledge & Information Assistant, Job Reference 210000F0, Full-time DLA Piper Luxembourg | Bewerbungsfrist: | #openbibliojobs #businesslaw #lawlibrary
#lawlibrary #businesslaw #openbibliojobs