Heute den komplett überarbeiteten Artikel zum #BusinessModelCanvas online gestellt und dem Artikel ein kurzes Einsteiger-Video spendiert. 😊
I've created this hybrid #businessModelCanvas #Miro template in as throughout all these years I realized this is what can work the best: https://miro.com/app/dashboard/?tpTemplate=uXjVPyPb9IE%3D&isCustom=true&share_link_id=951719851340
(I was always missing things from both the #businessModel and #LeanStartupCanvas. So I merged the 2 and also highlighted Desirability-Feasibility-Viability areas)
#businessmodelcanvas #miro #businessmodel #leanstartupcanvas
🚀 Nuova Business Model Challenge. Stavolta si passa ai business model del lusso con una sfida tutta dedicata a Gucci 👜
PS Come al solito le domande sono create dall’AI... 😊
#business #ai #businessmodel #businessmodelcanvas #gucci #innovazione
#business #ai #businessmodel #businessmodelcanvas #Gucci #innovazione