"The [medical credit] cards also don't provide the same type of financial protections as debt held by a health care organization, according to a new report from U.S. Public Interest Research Group. That's because any charges on these cards aren't considered medical debt, unlike a bill owed to a hospital or health care office, the consumer advocacy group notes."
#personalfinance #credit #healthcare #medicine #businessofmedicine
#personalfinance #credit #healthcare #medicine #businessofmedicine
“There’s a large body of research showing that health care consolidation leads to increases in prices without clear evidence it improves quality,” said Zachary Levinson...“There’s some concern that, for example, when a larger health system buys up a smaller independent hospital in a different region, that hospital will become less attentive to the specific needs of the community it serves...”
#healthcare #hospitals #mergers #businessofmedicine #healtheconomics
#healthcare #hospitals #mergers #businessofmedicine #healtheconomics
A private equity firm bought and closed Seasons Midwifery and Birth Center in Thornton, CO in October.
Staffers and community advocacy groups reorganized Seasons as a nonprofit organization and struck a note of triumph and defiance in announcing its reopening in January as the free-standing Seasons Community Birth Center. They accept private insurance and Medicaid.
#healthcare #privateequity #businessofmedicine #obstetrics