@jillithd Gracias! Sí, eso haré :)
Actualmente estoy viendo #KingTheLand y la siguiente que empezaré será #BusinessProposal, pero acepto sugerencias :)
Principalmente me gustan románticas, sin triángulos amoroso y preferiblemente que acaben bien 😂
#CrashLandingOnYou es literalmente el segundo kdrama que veo en mi vida (el primero es King the land)
#kingtheland #businessproposal #crashlandingonyou
Business Proposal is always a fun one without crimes / gangsters / murders intervening in the story.
REALLY enjoying "Business Proposal" on Netflix in the UK at the moment. Totally silly whimsy but lovely #KDrama #BusinessProposal
🔥'LOVE MY SCENT' [aka '#WhenOurLoveRemainsAsScent'] (2023) - #Upcoming #Korean #RomCom #Film!😍
💫Starring: #SeolInAh (#BusinessProposal)🧡 & #YoonShiYoon.
#whenourloveremainsasscent #upcoming #korean #romcom #film #seolinah #businessproposal #yoonshiyoon #theaters #february #lovemyscent #kmovie
🚀Si DESEA VER una MEJORA drástica en la CALIDAD DE SU TRABAJO, trabaje menos…
🔜 Cuando no esté trabajando, haga cosas que EVITEN que su atención se centre en tareas relacionadas con el trabajo…
#businessproposal #calvos360 #enero2023 #emprender
Why do they keep killing off the characters played by the good actresses? I that was just one of the dramatic endings this show loves so much. After seeing her kinda steal the show in #BusinessProposal I was looking forward to more of her.
I'm 9-10 episodes into #BusinessProposal and having a blast. I think the only disagreement I have with the show so far is Seo Hye-won's character, Jo Yoo Jung, the female lead's friend's cousin. She supposed to be trivial and silly and annoying but I kind of like her. She very earnest, which works out to makes her kind of cute. We'll see what the show's final analysis is, though.
@CardamineGreen I really like “gorgeous competent guy with tragic past” #BusinessProposal #Healer #HomeCha #SecretaryKim #RebornRich
#rebornrich #secretarykim #homecha #healer #businessproposal
End of the Year Drama Challenge, 2022, Day 17: Best actor of 2022
Kim Min-kyu! He was a key character in the #DisneyPlus #kdrama #Snowdrop, a great second string love line in #BusinessProposal, (both from 2022), and I enjoyed him in shows from previous years like Backstreet Rookie (not a very good show otherwise) and "Because This Is My First Life" (recommended!).
Conflicted handsome dude who could easily be a Korean Clark Kent? Yes, please.
#disneyplus #kdrama #snowdrop #businessproposal
#KDramas #BusinessProposal I loved the show and have rewatched it already. Engaging and funny. And I wanted to be there for the resolution. No down sides to this series, even side characters were fun.