From the National Association of City #Transportation Officials (NACTO):
"It’s time to reshape the federal document that shapes U.S. #streets—the Manual on Uniform #Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)...which hasn’t been substantially updated in over half a century. The federal government is in the final stages of updating MUTCD....Here are the key changes we’ll be looking out for."
#TrafficSafety #Bikeways #BikeLanes #BusLanes #AutonomousVehicles #Pedestrian #Cyclist #SpeedLimits #Crosswalks #Intersections #BikeBoxes #UrbanPlanning #CompleteStreets #Bike #Walk #Bus #PublicTransport
#unitedstates #transportation #streets #traffic #BikeTooter #USA #trafficsafety #bikeways #bikelanes #buslanes #autonomousvehicles #pedestrian #cyclist #speedlimits #crosswalks #intersections #bikeboxes #urbanplanning #completestreets #bike #walk #bus #publictransport
Basically since the moment #PBOT bulldozed the trees and widened 39th (now Cesar Chavez Blvd) to four lanes, residents have stories of how they & other kids were not even allowed to go near that street on their bikes. But the #Portland bureau of "#transportation" remains perplexed about how to solve the problem they created or how to make their budgets work 🙄 #Vision60or70Something #carsRuinCities #VMTreduction #BusLanes #RoadDiet #tacticalUrbanism #climateAction #jfdi
#pbot #portland #transportation #vision60or70something #CarsRuinCities #vmtreduction #buslanes #RoadDiet #tacticalurbanism #climateaction #jfdi
*chants* #FuckEricAdams
(also, never trust a cop)
#FuckEricAdams #nyc #buslanes #nycmayor #EricAdams
survey says people in #Portland would rather sit on #transit & read than be #drivers. #pdxBikes and #eBikes seem popular, must be time to paint "bus and turn only" on the outside lanes of our #stroads and let's get out of #pdxTraffic + do a solid #ClimateAction, plus besides: #CarsRuinCities #GeometryHatesCars, the future of #transportation is kids biking themselves to school or joining a #BikeBus, make #SchoolStreets, #BusLanes, & #EdgeLaneRoads / #AdvisoryBikeLanes, out of existing car lanes
#portland #transit #drivers #pdxbikes #ebikes #stroads #pdxtraffic #climateaction #CarsRuinCities #geometryhatescars #transportation #BikeBus #schoolstreets #buslanes #edgelaneroads #advisorybikelanes
Oh so we're going to try the thing that has never worked 🙄
#Vision60or70Something #ACAB #DefundPolice #DefundDots #BanCars #pdxTraffic
"the most effective immediate intervention is enforcement, penalties and public awareness regarding breaking traffic laws."
"#trafficEngineers and #VisionZero team have been out to assess... reconstruction of the corridor would be... $50 million"
No need to reconstruct it, just do #busLanes. WTF is wrong with this profession?
#vision60or70something #acab #defundpolice #defunddots #bancars #pdxtraffic #trafficengineers #visionzero #buslanes
"It was all based on conjecture that suburbanites like to drive places and so the easier it is to drive to the center city the more likely suburbanites would be to go there, logic which failed to account for lost business from the people the highway projects displaced and the broader hollowing out ...
the urban #freeway fad was the exact opposite of #bike and #busLanes: a novel, brash idea, fashionable at the time but with no evidence to back it up beyond fancy dioramas and civic boosterism."
#transportation #engagementInflation
"The injustices of the feedback process—that it primarily caters to older, higher-income drivers obsessed with #parking because research consistently shows bus riders, who are statistically lower income, are either too busy to attend such meetings or unaware they’re even taking place—have been well-documented in the urban planning field."
As if current bus riders were the only people #busLanes are for 🧐 #InducedDemand
#transportation #engagementinflation #parking #buslanes #induceddemand
Oof, saw not one but two packed buses blocked in the bus lane just walking to the metro this morning.
The signage for drivers is admittedly a little confusing in the first photo (there’s a right turn lane, but it’s not obvious you can’t turn right from the bus lane), but the second lane is just continuously blocked despite clear signage…
Clear Lanes can’t come soon enough!
#WMATA #buses #cities #urbanism #WashingtonDC #bus #BusLanes
#wmata #buses #cities #urbanism #washingtondc #bus #buslanes
Some bike-on-bus (or is that bus-on-bike) violence here in #CambridgeMA!
(I think the bus was trying to move over in an intersection to make room for something? And then it turned back to continue moving forward? I have no idea what was going on, only that it almost fought the bollard)
#BikeTooter #BusTooter #BikeLanes #BusLanes #RabbitSeason #DuckSeason
#duckseason #rabbitseason #buslanes #bikelanes #bustooter #biketooter #cambridgema
I think drivers really need to learn to appreciate the walking and biking perspective around #busLanes. For example, walking in the crosswalk parallel to the bus lane: rather than a stream of thru traffic from which every 3rd car randomly turns through your crosswalk, every turning driver in that lane has a clear view of you in the crosswalk, & zero pressure or risk that they're delaying the driver behind from proceeding through / a bus driver 99.9% won't rear-end you.
Watching Biden take five minutes to get to the front of the room for the #StateOfTheUnion and all I can think is, Man, Congress really needs POTUS lanes #SOTU #BusLanes #Transit
#transit #buslanes #sotu #stateoftheunion
Another excellent clip about why we should encourage and enlarge our bus lanes and why looking at them as empty is is silly. You can watch the clip with cc to your various languages.
עוד קליפ מצויין של 'עיר לחיוב בה' על למה כדאי לעודד עוד ועוד נתיבי תחבורה ציבורית.
#תחבורהציבורית #נת"צ #נתיביתחבורהציבורית #ביקושמושרה #PublicTransport #publictransit #buslanes #איןתכנוןבלימדיניות
#תחבורהציבורית #נת #נתיביתחבורהציבורית #ביקושמושרה #PublicTransport #publictransit #buslanes #איןתכנוןבלימדיניות
Another excellent episode of Livable city - on why bus lanes should look empty and why that means they are working - you can turn on the cc translation if you don't speak Hebrew.
עוד פרק מצויין של 'עיר לחיות בה' - על למה נת"צ הנראה ריק אומר שזה נת"צ מתפקד.
#תכנוןאורבני #תכנוןעירוני #נת"צ #תחבורהציבורית #איןתכנוןבלימדיניות #UrbanPlanning #urbanism #buslanes #publictransit #PublicTransport
#תכנוןאורבני #תכנוןעירוני #נת #תחבורהציבורית #איןתכנוןבלימדיניות #UrbanPlanning #urbanism #buslanes #publictransit #PublicTransport
Bus lanes next to bike lanes ratchet down the traffic stress, because you are only being passed by a motor vehicle once every few minutes. More Italian-flag streets please! 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹
#buslanes #protectedbikelanes #cambma #visionzero
#Crosswalks and #BikeLanes should be painted red instead of #BusLanes to remind people of the sacrifices required in order to get them installed
This toot inspired by
#crosswalks #bikelanes #buslanes #safestreets