These preprogramed religious youth are not to be blamed they can't help themselves. However their parents should be ashamed of what the've done
“We Will Continue to March Until #Abortion Is Unthinkable.”
The 50th annual March for Life offers a look at the future of the anti-abortion movement.
the #MarchForLife has long included prominent conservatives, local activists, and #busloads of school #children from #Catholic #schools, all determined to end legal abortion.
#abortion #marchforlife #busloads #children #catholic #schools
"Roger #Federer to bring back #chinese tourists
With a massive campaign, #switzerland Tourism wants to kiss the lucrative #chinese market awake. But the #population and many a #tourist are no longer in the #mood for #busloads of #tourists
No busloads more!!
#federer #chinese #switzerland #population #tourist #mood #busloads #tourists