The bus driver showing some next level cuntiness by driving right passed a woman who was visibly on her way to the stop..visibly rushing while trying to take out her card. I mean it's raining..and she was a few meters away. Some ten seconds or whatever would not have hurt his schedule (plus he arrived early to my stop so there's that too).
I know I'm very late to this but today I learnt the word that is 'situationship'. So it's not a friendship..but you're not (yet) in a relationship you're in a situationship with someone.
I've learnt that glaring at the corner at the end of the road (where the bus is supposed to turn in to) will absolutely I repeat absolutely *not* make the bus appear in said corner at the end of the road..
I saw a postbox a proper big old red one on the corner of the street. For some reason I thought those aren't a thing anymore..
Saw a guy walk over and attempt to wet either a homeless guy or his camp or both with a bucket of water. The homeless guy kicked the bucket as it was in full swing..then proceeded to full on slap the water bucket guy..and I've never been more upset at the traffic light not changing to red.
I admire people who can use earphones/earbuds while on public transport. Because of my anxiety (and other issues)..being on a bus and travelling is already too much for my having earbuds *right* in my ears will be stimuli overload and I will for sure get a major headache.
I mean it's great to be with my thoughts on my daily commute..but I know I'm missing out on precious 'listening to Italian' time ðŸ˜
I saw a homeless guy at the traffic light with a cardboard sign saying "Please help. I need money for beer, drugs, and 1 hooker."
I always seem to look to the left side of this one looong busy main street when I’m traveling to today I made extra effort to check out the shops and whatever other businesses on the *right* side of the street. Gripping stuff I know..but for real tho it was actually nice to change up the ‘view’ for a bit..
A bird flew again the window of the bus today. I don't know if it survived or not but jfc did it scare the shit out of me and the student I was sitting next to omg!
The amount of people who drink canned energy drinks on the bus in all different! I've never tasted one..they have such a sweet smell I always think I wouldn't like them. Am I missing out?
Heard a woman talk about "the lacto-shits" this morn and will as of today totally be using that.
Today I was deep in thought and *just* missed my stop! So I jump up and say Please please I forgot to press the buzzer..can I please get out?? The bus driver proceeds to give me the meanest fucking stare omglolol!! I swear it went on for like a few seconds..and then she finally opened for me (but probably only cos we were waiting at a red light).
I'm so happy I grew up pre-internet..but more particularly pre-social media..cos hearing young people talk about "I got his Instagram.." instead of I got his number like omg I would never survive! I don't have Instagram or Facebook..and wouldn't even know what to post if I were on there lol!
People on the bus are so friendly today! Like a guy asked me for info and directions..naturally I didn't know..and basically like three other random people chimed into our conversation and was helping him..I love it lol!
Today I sat next to a guy who wore the same t-shirt as me! I didn't even notice and he was like 'we're wearing the same top!' 😂 (Mine was a v-neck tho..)