3 - Uno al que han jugado contigo.
Bust a move 4 en Dreamcast.
Los piques son gloriosos.
#30diasdevideojuegos #Sega #dreamcast #bustamove
1:8 hours, 780tri, 128x128x24, Blender 2.66a
#taito #fanart #art #bubblun #1PBUB #bubblebobble #puzzlebobble #bustamove #arcade #blender3d
#blender3d #1pbub #arcade #bustamove #puzzlebobble #bubblebobble #bubblun #art #FanArt #taito
Had a little gathering so I wanted to scrub the control panels and dust off the ol’ #arcade for guest. Kept the games super casual, & the only game played was #puzzlebobble / #bustamove 🫤Oh well.
#arcade #puzzlebobble #bustamove
Downright Bizarre Games is a hilarious look at the odd side of the #VideoGame industry - from games outside of the norm to bad art and outlandish dialogue. 📚
Recently added to #TheVideoGameLibrary:
#AkibasTrip #BangaiO #BustAMove #ChibiRobo #Cyberdillo #ElShaddai #Gordo106 #KasumiNinja #KungFood #ZombiesAteMyNeighbors #ZombieNation #VeggyWorld #SkullMonkeys #Gaming #VideoGames #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #RibbitKing #ShaqFu #Odama #NinjaGolf #LollipopChainsaw
#lollipopchainsaw #ninjagolf #odama #shaqfu #ribbitking #bookstodon #Books #book #videogames #Gaming #skullmonkeys #veggyworld #zombienation #zombiesatemyneighbors #kungfood #kasumininja #gordo106 #ElShaddai #cyberdillo #chibirobo #bustamove #bangaio #Akibastrip #thevideogamelibrary #videogame
Can't recommend this song enough.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XirtIOK96Io
#friday #bustamove #feelgood #dnb
#dnb #feelgood #bustamove #friday