Ready to go to a queer free party tonight. There will be beautiful people, music and sex. I think Iām dressed properly for the occasion, what do you think?
#nude #nsfw #butch #fetish #underwear #tits #boobs #trans #transgirl #transwoman
#transwoman #transgirl #trans #boobs #tits #underwear #fetish #butch #nsfw #nude
Autostraddle: Founder Esther Godoy on the Evolution of Butch Is Not a Dirty Word #Dykes #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #Podcast #Identity #butch
#dykes #lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #podcast #identity #butch
Autostraddle: 41 Super-Hot Butches and Tomboys of the Early 20th Century #Dykes #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #Podcast #queerwomentheydidn'tteachyouaboutinhistoryclass #lesbianstheydidn'tteachyouaboutinhistoryclass #lesbianhistorylist #femalemasculinity #GladysBentley #greatesthits #herstorylist #Lists/Top10s #LGBThistory #Herstory #butch
#dykes #lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #podcast #queerwomentheydidn #lesbianstheydidn #lesbianhistorylist #femalemasculinity #gladysbentley #greatesthits #herstorylist #lists #lgbthistory #herstory #butch
I sent a few posts around about my MSW thesis about butch women and top surgery. I don't remember who all responded and who to thank but I'm sending a general thank you into the aether. Here's what my very rigorous professor had to say
#transmasc #topsurgery #butchlesbian #butch
I wish women would stop trying to pin male privilege on each other. As a #butch #transwoman, I get it from both directions.
You probably believe that as a trans woman, I benefit from "male socialization". If not, you probably have reductive beliefs that "butch = easy, femboy = hard". And if you don't believe either of those things, you almost certainly believe I have male privilege due to being AMAB and being masculine.
I'm supposed to take all this to mean I have double male privilege.
#QueerArt #LGBTQArt #LGBTQ #LGBTQPride #QueerPride #Queer #Trans #TransPride #TransForTrans #T4T #Butch #ButchPride #Butch4Butch #Masc4Masc
#queerart #lgbtqart #lgbtq #lgbtqpride #queerpride #queer #trans #transpride #transfortrans #t4t #butch #butchpride #butch4butch #masc4masc
#QueerArt #LGBTQArt #LGBTQ #LGBTQPride #QueerPride #Queer #Trans #TransPride #TransForTrans #T4T #Butch #ButchPride #Butch4Butch #Masc4Masc
#queerart #lgbtqart #lgbtq #lgbtqpride #queerpride #queer #trans #transpride #transfortrans #t4t #butch #butchpride #butch4butch #masc4masc
#QueerArt #LGBTQArt #LGBTQ #LGBTQPride #QueerPride #Queer #Trans #TransPride #TransForTrans #T4T #Butch #ButchPride #Butch4Butch #Masc4Masc
#queerart #lgbtqart #lgbtq #lgbtqpride #queerpride #queer #trans #transpride #transfortrans #t4t #butch #butchpride #butch4butch #masc4masc
#QueerArt #LGBTQArt #LGBTQ #LGBTQPride #QueerPride #Queer #Trans #TransPride #TransForTrans #T4T #Butch #ButchPride #Butch4Butch #Masc4Masc
#queerart #lgbtqart #lgbtq #lgbtqpride #queerpride #queer #trans #transpride #transfortrans #t4t #butch #butchpride #butch4butch #masc4masc
I found some pride month graphic design stuff that I did way back in 2021 but are still very good and very funny.
Thread because I have quite a few and no real (read: profitable) use for them.
#QueerArt #LGBTQArt #LGBTQ #LGBTQPride #QueerPride #Queer #Trans #TransPride #TransForTrans #T4T #Butch #ButchPride #Butch4Butch #Masc4Masc
#queerart #lgbtqart #lgbtq #lgbtqpride #queerpride #queer #trans #transpride #transfortrans #t4t #butch #butchpride #butch4butch #masc4masc
I really dread this subject of "butch erasure", because I know that I'm going to end up feeling erased.
It's not that TERFs are using hateful rhetoric. TERFs are gonna TERF, and if I lost my shit every time one of them said something hateful, I'd be a miserable human being.
What bothers me is that transmasculine people and allies never seem to have the thought "Yes, some people might identify as a butch if they can't transition, but you know, #butch #transwomen exist too."
3 months later... Forced wedding
#ppgz #rrbz #PowerPuffGirlsZ #rowdyruffboysz #matsubarakaoru #butch #teenpregnancy
Buttercup's fanservice to butch
#ppgz #rrbz #powerpuffgirl #rowdyruffboysz #buttercup #butch #fanservice
Butch cums inside buttercup
#ppg #rrb #powerpuffgirls #rowdyruffboys #butch #buttercup #creampie
#butch appreciation: this lady who shears the sheep has like the ideal Butch Aura. which is tough and no-nonsense while still being friendly, and unafraid to show compassion.
#butches get short shrift a lot of the time and they shouldn't. if you meet a butch IRL there is something for almost everyone to like. *butch-ass chin nod* represent
(CW for link - footage of wounds, some blood, but not really extreme)
Butch cum's on buttercup
#buttercup #butch #cum #ppg #powerpuffgirls #rowdyruffboys #rrb
Teens buttercup x butch fucking without condom
#buttercup #butch #ppg #powerpuffgirls #rrb #rowdyruffboys
I'm liking #bestservedcold for a couple of reasons, mainly, it's got a #butch lead that's also bent on revenge. Problematic characters and relationships are my jam.
I have to say I find it sad that there's not a lot of #butch #transwoman representation literally anywhere. So many trans women go through life thinking they have absolutely no other option than to be totally high femme.
Couple it with the fact that so much of trans woman/femme meme culture revolves around femininity ("skirt go spinny", thigh-high, catgirls, etc).
Couple it with the fact that the media only reflects back feminine, passable trans women.