LIVE! 3/21/23 8:30 PM ET Tara Dodrill Of Old School Survival Bootcamp Is BACK Join us with the incredible woman behind the largest #prepping #homestead #survivalist meet in the midwest as we talk about #OldSchoolSurvivalBootCamp 2023! #OSSBC is a 3-day hands-on #selfreliance event May 12-14, 2023 in #HockingHills #Ohio. This is not a "sit, listen & take notes" kind of event. You will be an active participant in the classes & receive skill-building hands-on training. 144 hands-on #survival #blacksmithing #homesteading #bushcraft #butchering #offgridliving #prepping #herbalism #emergencymedical #wildernesssurvival #homeschooling #foraging & #martialarts classes will be offered by 55+ experts from around the country. Watch!!!
#martialarts #foraging #homeschooling #wildernesssurvival #emergencymedical #herbalism #offgridliving #butchering #bushcraft #HomeSteading #blacksmithing #survival #ohio #HockingHills #selfreliance #OSSBC #OldSchoolSurvivalBootCamp #Survivalist #homestead #prepping
@seasiders2 every day in my area alone in #outback Queensland 2000 kangaroos as small as 10kg are slaughtered.
All does have joeys at the moment. Every #shooter kills does. Some joeys escape and we walk the fence line looking for them. When we find them we bring them into #care for 2 years then release them in safe areas where shooters are not #butchering the animals.
Many #animals are still alive when they are dismembered before being trucked for #processing.
Not enough people know about dog food and shoe leather sourced from the kangaroo mob. Most people do not know how the #kangaroo they buy at Cole's for their own consumption or as dog "treats" come from the same filthy dirty disgusting truck with the same filthy disgusting shooter who wouldn't know what #soap was, as he handles the human consumption food from the same animals that will be dog food the next day.
The biggest #wildlife #slaughter on the face of the planet.
#outback #shooter #care #butchering #animals #processing #kangaroo #soap #wildlife #slaughter
#Meat #carcasses sent to #EU for #butchering amid #UK #WorkerShortage | #Food & drink #industry | The Guardian
#Brexit going as well as can be expected, I see.
#meat #carcasses #eu #butchering #uk #WorkerShortage #food #industry #brexit #politics
robotic crab butchering...
#industrial #robotic #crab #butchering #carnism #animatedgif
#industrial #robotic #crab #butchering #carnism #animatedgif
robotic crab butchering...
#industrial #robotic #crab #butchering #carnism #animatedgif
#industrial #robotic #crab #butchering #carnism #animatedgif
robotic crab butchering...
#industrial #robotic #crab #butchering #carnism #animatedgif
#industrial #robotic #crab #butchering #carnism #animatedgif