#InsiderWitness at Mar-a-Lago reportedly cooperating with the Department of Justice!🤔 👉 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/lawrence-odonnell-trump-2-words_n_64548ca7e4b007e3d7d7c772
When #JackSmith has #DonaldTheDeplorable ‘wrapped-up’ in indictments, I hope he’s sent BACK to the #ICC in The Hague to prosecute #ButcherPutin for #genocide during his failed #InvasionOfUkraine.
#insiderwitness #jacksmith #donaldthedeplorable #ICC #butcherputin #genocide #invasionofukraine
#ButcherPutin claiming that “#Ukraine is not a real country”, because it was part of the Russian Empire during the reign of Catherine the Great would be like #BorisJohnson claiming that #India is not a real country because it was part of the British Empire during the reign of Queen Victoria!
#butcherputin #ukraine #BorisJohnson #india #StandWithUkraine
#NeverForget that #RussiaIsATerroristState ⬇️ and #DonaldTheDeplorable thinks #ButcherPutin is a top-of-the-line leader.
#Trump has pitifully carried water for the #Russian tyrant since he and #PaulManafort bent the #GOP official platform to #Putin ‘s demands *before* the #2016election.
Every American, not just politicians, who *still* pledge #MAGA loyalty, cannot be trusted any more than the #PentagonLeaker.
#NeverForget #RussiaIsATerroristState #donaldthedeplorable #butcherputin #trump #russian #paulmanafort #gop #putin #2016election #MAGA #pentagonleaker #resist #purge #donotcollaboratewithfascists
#RickSantorum paying social media consultants to ‘scrub’ the Internet of this cozy picture of him with #MarinaButina , a Russian agent that #ButcherPutin wanted included in an imprisoned ‘spy swap’ deal. 👉 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRcFmtUm/
#NeverForget that the Russia-funded #NRA and all the #BananaRepublicans nursing at its teets (such as Alabama Senator #TommyTraitorville ) are ALL Russian assets!
#ricksantorum #marinabutina #butcherputin #NeverForget #nra #bananarepublicans #tommytraitorville
Not surprising.
Now that #DonaldTheDeplorable has been indicted - the first of several felonies to come? - he is scared and ‘sucking up’ to his ‘fixer’, #ButcherPutin. ⬇️
#donaldthedeplorable #butcherputin
Hard times for #BonnieAndClyde ! ⬇️
#bonnieandclyde #indicttrump #butcherputin #wanteddeadoralive
They will remain silent because they know #ButcherPutin is too much of a coward to travel to #SouthAfrica.
#butcherputin #southafrica #wanteddeadoralive
#RussiaIsATerroristState and #ButcherPutin is #WantedDeadOrAlive by the #ICC.
#RussiaIsATerroristState #butcherputin #wanteddeadoralive #ICC
#BonnieAndClyde ⬇️ ?
#ButcherPutin is #WantedDeadOrAlive.
#IndictTrump every which way the law allows!
#bonnieandclyde #butcherputin #wanteddeadoralive #indicttrump
After #ButcherPutin has shattered #MotherRussia , Muscovites and Uralites will ask each other “All quiet on the Sino-Finnish border?” 😂
#UkraineWillWin , so #ArmUkraineNow to #FinishTheJob faster!
#butcherputin #motherrussia #UkraineWillWin #ArmUkraineNow #finishthejob
Mothers from Tatarstan can go to hell.
Oh, wait, they live in #Tatarstan during the reign of #ButcherPutin , so they’re already there. Never mind. Their sons will be pushing-up sunflowers 🌻 in the Spring. ✅
#tatarstan #butcherputin #SlavaUkraini
I thought this ⬇️ was #ButcherPutin ‘s ‘girlfriend’?
#butcherputin #saveamerica #trumprussiacollusion
#DonaldTheDeplorable was and still is a Russian asset, #MuellerReport notwithstanding. The photo I posted ⬆️ is of a clearly ‘deflated’ Trump. It was taken after an unprecedented ‘off-the-record’ (American translator’s notes destroyed) meeting with #ButcherPutin in Helsinki.
Here’s an earlier ‘picture’ of the same ‘Russian spy blimp’ when it was fully ‘inflated’. ⬇️ 😂
#donaldthedeplorable #muellerreport #butcherputin
#ButcherPutin plans attacks on anniversary of launching murderous invasion of #Ukraine - with ‘cake’. ⬇️
#butcherputin #ukraine #RussiaIsATerroristState
#ButcherPutin is biting down on #Bakhmut ⬇️!
#StandWithUkraine and #UkraineWillWin !
#ArmUkraineNow to finish the job faster!
#butcherputin #Bakhmut #StandWithUkraine #UkraineWillWin #ArmUkraineNow
@Willtrek @SocraticEthics Will it be ‘All quiet on the Sino-Finnish border’ if #ButcherPutin is not removed soon? 😂
@SocraticEthics ⬆️
#ButcherPutin bites again. #RussiaIsATerroristState and must be defeated.
#UkraineWillWin, #StandWithUkraine and #ArmUkraineNow so they can finish the job!
#butcherputin #RussiaIsATerroristState #UkraineWillWin #StandWithUkraine #ArmUkraineNow