Took Riggs out for some him and I time on Sunday. Had a nice time.
#dogs #dogsofmastodon #butepark #cardiff
It’s a cold, cold #thicktrunktuesday and spring feels very far away.
#thicktrunktuesday #butepark #trees #winterweather
I love this city. Not 2 miles from the commercial craziness of Queen St and the Hayes, the wild river pounds it's way to the sea.
#cardiff #caerdydd #blackweir #butepark #parcbute #afontaf #rivertaff #nature #natur #river #afon
#afon #river #natur #nature #rivertaff #afontaf #parcbute #butepark #blackweir #caerdydd #cardiff
It's going to take them a lot of cardboard to put this away! #ButePark #Cardiff #Caerdydd #Christmas
#butepark #Cardiff #caerdydd #christmas
Lovely day for cricket. Great day for a walk.
#sophiagardens #butepark #parcbute #caerdydd #cardiff #earningacoffee #adventuresincoffee #incaffèveritas
#incaffeveritas #adventuresincoffee #earningacoffee #cardiff #caerdydd #parcbute #butepark #sophiagardens
Lovely day for cricket
#sophiagardens #butepark #parcbute #caerdydd #cardiff #earningacoffee
#earningacoffee #cardiff #caerdydd #parcbute #butepark #sophiagardens
I love this park, I love this city. Doubly so when with my buddy.
#earningacoffee #cardiff #caerdydd #butepark #adventuresincoffee #incaffèveritas #dog #ci #coffi
#coffi #ci #dog #incaffeveritas #adventuresincoffee #butepark #caerdydd #cardiff #earningacoffee
Bute park Christmas lights this evening
(Controversial opinion - not as good as last years)
#butepark #christmaslights #cardiff
Big water Lily lights in #butePark with Cardiff Castle in the background #cardiff #cardiffCastle
#butepark #Cardiff #cardiffcastle
Giant water lilies have grown in Bute Park! #cardiff #butePark #christmasInCardiff
#Cardiff #butepark #christmasInCardiff
RT @cardiff_hub: Join us this Wednesday for The Big Park Singalong at Bute Park. Spread the word so we can fill the park with rhyme and song!
#butepark #singalong #songs #rhymes #YourCentralLibraryHub #park #singing #singinginthepark
#butepark #singalong #songs #rhymes #YourCentralLibraryHub #park #singing #singinginthepark