the coolest cats
insist they are not snowflakes
while drowning in
condensed carbonated air
karma butterfly effect
#burningMan #butterflyeffect #karma #snowflakes
#poem #poetry #tanka #bonsaiku #poetrycommunity #wrdz
#wrdz #poetrycommunity #bonsaiku #tanka #poetry #poem #snowflakes #karma #butterflyeffect #burningman
@nerdinfekt Kleine Ergänzung: Ich habe das Game seit 2006 gespielt. Ausschließlich als Hordler. Habe coole Leute kennengelernt, zusammen Spaß gehabt, gestritten, neue Wege gegangen.
Ich frage mich manchmal: Wie sehe mein Leben heute aus, wenn ich beispielsweise die Allianz genommen hätte?
Identisch? Komplett anders?
— “But everyone else is doing it, too! Whether I do it or don’t, doesn’t change a thing!”
— Well, if you stop doing it and then communicate that and why you stopped doing it, that might make others think — and possibly change their behaviour, too. This is true for any action, be it flying, owning a car, buying fast fashion, or using to-go cups with plastic lids.
Every personal decision to do better might set off a ripple effect that might lead to change on a societal, even global scale.
(This is not to say that we could possibly save the world with personal actions alone; that requires political decisions above all. But these are based on the overall public sentiment, which in turn can be influenced by each of us.)
#LittleSteps #OneStepAtATime #SetAnExample #BehaviouralChange #Change #ButterflyEffect #RippleEffect #StopFlying #StopDrivingCars #ReducePlastic #ReduceWaste #ReduceImpact #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #SaveThePlanet #NoPlanetB #StopCapitalism #EndCapitalism
#littlesteps #onestepatatime #setanexample #BehaviouralChange #change #butterflyeffect #rippleeffect #stopflying #stopdrivingcars #reduceplastic #reducewaste #reduceimpact #climatechange #climatecatastrophe #savetheplanet #noplanetb #stopcapitalism #endcapitalism
Big impacts can arise from small events as #Chaos and #ComplexSystems theory show, so I don't mean to ignore the #ButterflyEffect of reaching average people with a great knowledge repository. Just remember big effects are unpredictable.
So wouldn't be better to focus the message on getting devs back on the right path rather than the general public?
#chaos #complexsystems #butterflyeffect
The butterfly effect and the carbon footprint as vivid everyday images. #111Words #ButterflyEffect #CarbonFootprint #Metaphors #Images #Vividness #IndividualAction
#individualaction #vividness #images #metaphors #carbonfootprint #butterflyeffect #111words
Virgil Finlay illustration for Ray Bradbury’s “A Sound of Thunder”
#FinlayFriday #VirgilFinlay #RayBradbury #ButterflyEffect #ChaosTheory #ASoundOfThunder #TimeTravel #Dinosaurs #Illustration #PenandInk #ScienceFiction #SF @sciencefiction
#finlayfriday #virgilfinlay #raybradbury #butterflyeffect #chaostheory #asoundofthunder #timetravel #dinosaurs #illustration #penandink #sciencefiction #sf
Azalea bonsai require butterflies to pollenate. That is a rather elegant detail for such a beautiful plant creation.
When I discover things like this, it reconfirms my belief that all life is connected.
#connection #beauty #butterflyeffect
#connection #beauty #butterflyeffect
"Happy #InsektenSamstag everyone! Let's shine a light on the importance of insects in our ecosystem today and every day. 🌱🐝🦋 #savethebees #butterflyeffect"
#butterflyeffect #savethebees #insektensamstag
"The idea that the death of one butterfly could eventually have a far-reaching ripple effect on subsequent historical events made its earliest known appearance in "A Sound of Thunder", a 1952 short story by Ray Bradbury. "A Sound of Thunder" features time travel..."
Elegy, 2007 - photo by Robert & Shana ParkeHarrison
Normally, I am not fan of time tracking. But… I can see now that time tracking can be a great way to value participation. Imagine impact mesurements based on participation time ❤️
For #decidim folks, I've updated a module for time tracking (by Platoniq). You can try it on 0.26.4. Thanks to for financing it 🎉
🔗 the module
🔗 the PR
#decidim #delibwave #democracy #butterflyeffect
“What kind of writer am I?
With all this love
and no words for it?”
— Anne Sexton
With music (one's art, creativity, passion, inner knowing, a sense of urgency) and love we can make global impact, through our original sound mark we can create ~ a butterfly effect ~ as it were / music that turns out to be an universal expression of the human longing for the beauty of peace. ❤️
#composer #poetry #worldpeace #butterflyeffect #music #annesexton
#composer #poetry #worldpeace #butterflyeffect #music #annesexton
Almost there! #butterfly #travisscott #dancers #dancer #poledancer #poledancing #dancing #poledance #poledancersofig #poledancersofinstagram #inverts #inverted #advanced #upsidedown #performer #athlete #slayyymo #butterflyeffect
#butterfly #travisscott #dancers #dancer #poledancer #poledancing #dancing #poledance #poledancersofig #poledancersofinstagram #inverts #inverted #advanced #upsidedown #performer #athlete #slayyymo #butterflyeffect
Reminds me of this🧵;6th #massExtinction
Just started #PaleRider Laura Spinney; remarkably published in 2017 #prescient #SpanishFlu
I blame #Reagan for everything #butterflyEffect of sorts
couldn’t explain in a coherent manner as to exactly why..but it just is #educationPolicy #taxes #etc #GenX #Boomers
Sometimes think humans are just bad #microbes in a :agar_plate: 🌏; it doesn’t have to be this way..
#massextinction #palerider #prescient #spanishflu #reagan #butterflyeffect #educationpolicy #taxes #etc #genx #boomers #microbes
One could have a lot of fun with karma based story. Maybe even a #butterflyEffect style story, whereby one choice manifests as misery for all, the other as joy.
A more visceral story could be to unite two people at the moment the "preventation" decision is made, in a wildly theoretical and far-fetched way but one that is ultimately logical and thus believeable, even if it is just a person's inner fantasy. Haha
@skdh I wrote a song about the #ButterflyEffect. In it I speculated if I'd kissed him when we were staring too deeply into each other's eyes, he'd have been somewhere else 20 days later and thus lived.
If you could travel back in time and change one event, what would it be? But beware, it could cause a #butterflyeffect and create a #timetravelparadox #whatif
#whatif #timetravelparadox #butterflyeffect
Butterfly flutters
At the other side of earth
A storm begins here
#butterflyeffect #flutter #poetry #poem #haiku
Ed Sheeran, played himself in “Yesterday” which is a fantasy film in which the Beatles never existed, yet his music would not exist w/o the Beatles. #paradox #butterflyeffect #backtothefuture #immyowngrandpa
#paradox #butterflyeffect #backtothefuture #immyowngrandpa
Niets in de natuur leeft voor zich zelf.
De rivier drinkt haar eigen water niet. Een boom geeft geen fruit om zelf van te eten. De zon warmt zich niet met haar stralen. Niets in ons aardse systeem leeft alleen, wij zijn verbonden. #Ubuntu #butterflyeffect
One slightly jarring thing about #LifeIsStrange (and other #ButterflyEffect games) is that NPCs are very blunt about their motivations. E.g. early in the game you get a choice "Do you help Alice by walking her dog?" and then a few hours later, Alice says "Okay, since you walked my dog, I will help you find the missing key." I mean, yes, that's the game mechanic, but this is reading the stage directions out loud.
#butterflyeffect #lifeisstrange