I’m #JoiningIn with #ThreeGoodThings to help cheer mastodon and my own headspace, as inspired by @IanThistlethwaite . 1. Butterscotch candies. 2. Getting your grocery shopping done before 8:00am 3. The non harassment I get here on mastodon. None. I’m sure others feel it too. What are your three? #JoinIn #ReasonsToBeCheerful #ReasonsToBeGrateful @3goodthings #NoHarassmentHere #ButterscotchCandiesAreSoGood
#joiningin #threegoodthings #joinin #reasonstobecheerful #reasonstobegrateful #noharassmenthere #butterscotchcandiesaresogood
I’m #JoiningIn with #ThreeGoodThings to help cheer mastodon and my own headspace, as inspired by @IanThistlethwaite . 1. Butterscotch candies. 2. Getting your grocery shopping done before 8:00am 3. The non harassment I get here on mastodon. None. I’m sure others feel it too. What are your three? #JoinIn #ReasonsToBeCheerful #ReasonsToBeGrateful @3goodthings #NoHarassmentHere #ButterscotchCandiesAreSoGood
#joiningin #threegoodthings #joinin #reasonstobecheerful #reasonstobegrateful #noharassmenthere #butterscotchcandiesaresogood
I’m #JoiningIn with adding #ThreeGoodThings here on mastodon to cheer it up and for my own headspace, as inspired by @IanThistlethwaite . 1. Waking up to a clean house because you busted it yesterday. 2. Mozart’s The Magic Flute. I played this often before. 3. Little butterscotch candies (like crack to me 😂) What are your three? #JoinIn #ThreeGoodThings #reasonstobecheerful #ButterscotchCandiesAreSoGood
#joiningin #threegoodthings #joinin #reasonstobecheerful #butterscotchcandiesaresogood