This is why I think my butt smell is appealing to cats.
#YoshiOneEye #ButtSmell #CatsOfMastodon #EveryDayIsCaturday
#yoshioneeye #buttsmell #catsofmastodon #everydayiscaturday
(In the butt smell)
#YoshiOneEye #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday #EveryDayIsCaturday #ButtSmell
#yoshioneeye #catsofmastodon #Caturday #everydayiscaturday #buttsmell
Draw me like one of your French girls...
... In the butt smell. (Im Pogeruch)
#YoshiOneEye #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday #EveryDayIsCaturday #ButtSmell
#yoshioneeye #catsofmastodon #Caturday #everydayiscaturday #buttsmell
Even Pussy Galore enjoys being enveloped in my #ButtSmell.
I don't know what it is. My butt rubbings appear to be enticing to cats. Yoshi does it the most, but all of our cats wallow in it if given a chance. I can't count the number of times I've gone to the tinkletorium only to find a cat in my seat upon my return. I have to move a cat off my office chair almost every morning.
Pfeffernuss's social worker has a pug, Molly, who exhibits similar behavior.
#CatsOfMastodon #EveryDayIsCaturday
#buttsmell #catsofmastodon #everydayiscaturday