#GarimaLohia of #Buxar district in Bihar, who bagged the second position in the prestigious civil services examination 2022, said she could crack the coveted exam because of her late father's blessing
https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/upsc-cse-2022-garima-lohia-air-2-who-lost-her-father-says-kept-his-photo-everywhere-101685004380216.html #press
#GarimaLohia of #Buxar district in #Bihar, who bagged the second position in the prestigious civil services examination 2022, said she could crack the coveted exam because of her late father's blessing
https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/upsc-cse-2022-garima-lohia-air-2-who-lost-her-father-says-kept-his-photo-everywhere-101685004380216.html #press
#garimalohia #buxar #bihar #press