Help, please!
Have any photographers on here used Pic Fair?
Pros / Cons?
Is it generally worth it or a bit scammy?
Has anyone else bought from Pic Fair?
Is the quality ok?
Do you think it’s good value?
I only ask because I’m not very good at the whole marketing myself yet and feel like this might be a good way to make side cash to prop up my photography business while I build it into the empire I envisage in my head BUT I don’t want to do it if it’s not good ethically.
I’d rather be the quintessential struggling artist than buy into something that goes against my own value judgement.
#photography #help #advice #PicFair #photos #BuyingPhotos #BuyMyPhotos #NonaRosePhotography
#photography #help #advice #picfair #photos #buyingphotos #buymyphotos #nonarosephotography