Michael J DeLuca · @MichaelJDeLuca
167 followers · 390 posts · Server climatejustice.social

RIP old bike cassette, 1997-2023. You served me well and probably for a decade longer than I should have asked of you. Long live the new bike cassette.

Also pictured: chain whip I made out of an old chain and part of a brass lamp stand. Works great

#buynothing #RightToRepair #solarpunk

Last updated 1 year ago

Matty Roses · @mattyroses
274 followers · 99 posts · Server librarysocialism.social

A similar sort of network has developed in many places with the networks. And this is something that can support as well - after all, a gift/buynothingitem is just a that never expires.

One advantage of a permanent loan over a gift, though, is that it does incentivize people to keep items withing the system, and not sell it back to the mainstream economy.

#buynothing #meansofproduction #loan #capitalist

Last updated 1 year ago

Darth Buddha · @haschrebellen
212 followers · 1736 posts · Server kolektiva.social

"The theory of exodus proposes that the most effective way of opposing capitalism and the liberal state is not through direct confrontation but by means of what Paolo Virno has called “engaged withdrawal,”mass defection by those wishing to create new forms of community.

One need only glance at the historical record to confirm that most successful forms of popular resistance have taken precisely this form. They have not involved challenging power head on (this usually leads to being slaughtered, or if not, turning into some—often even uglier—variant of the very thing one first challenged) but from one or another strategy of slipping away from its grasp, from flight, desertion, the founding of new communities.”



#buynothing #cancelstreaming #global #generalstrike #worldwide #allforall #alltogether #endcapitalism #basicincome #worldwithoutmoney #noleaders #opensourcesociety #bullshitjobs #generalstreik #occupy #nowork #donothing #tunix #fuckwork #emanzipation #emancipation #love #anarchyislove #leavenoonebehind #gooutside #takedrugs #havesex #likenormalpeople #followyourbliss #stopactinglikeadults #fuckthem #justbe #boostpositivethings #boostsubversivethings #fediverse #StopMakingStupidPeopleFamous #stopdoomscrolling #Gedankenverbrechen #gedankenpolizei #gedankenknast #cancelnetflix #cancelthemall #escapethepattern #monkeybrain #brainwash #emancipate

Last updated 1 year ago

Zackstarkid · @Zackstarkid
18 followers · 82 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Look at this thing I wove!!

Last year as I was working on trimming the sick branches of the lilac bush, I broke the old fence post.

Using a trimmed off stem and a bunch of young still bendy branches I made a new fencepost, no tools required.

#gardening #solarpunk #buynothing #regenerative #permaculture #crafts

Last updated 1 year ago

Will Hopkins 🌈 · @willhopkins
5 followers · 46 posts · Server a2mi.social

I'm pending acceptance into Buy Nothing, so until then y'all get first crack at my fridge and oven. Anyone want them? Basic Frigidaire models, they work but have some wear. Must pick up and I cannot help you lift them.

Pittsfield Charter Twp

#ypsi #annarbor #buynothing

Last updated 1 year ago

greyllama · @greyllama
17 followers · 160 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Anybody got an entertainment center they're looking to get rid of in ?

#tacomawa #buynothing

Last updated 1 year ago


Plastics and Human Health - Minder-Monaco Commission
Consuming Plastic - Matte
Plastic Recycling and Toxins - Perkins
Dow Sneaker Recycling Program - Doctorow
US Plastic Recycling - The Last Beach Cleanup and Beyond Plastics
Defending Litterers - Taheri
Buy Nothing Movement - Bajwa
Moment of Zinn - The Sugarcubes - “Dear Plastic”


#plastic #health #recycling #litter #dow #toxins #pollution #buynothing

Last updated 1 year ago

Michael Lynch · @michael
453 followers · 933 posts · Server m.mtlynch.io

My most exciting find ever: someone in my town's Buy Nothing group is giving away 150 boxes of Ghiradelli chocolates today


Last updated 1 year ago

krysanify :loading: · @krysanify
2 followers · 44 posts · Server social.vivaldi.net
Jeremy Mosby · @industrialartifact
9 followers · 233 posts · Server kolektiva.social

@thufie live in a on a diet with a toilet and steal all the stuff you can reach

#buynothing #Solar #tinyhouse #Vegan #humanure

Last updated 1 year ago

graverubber · @graverubber
103 followers · 389 posts · Server kolektiva.social

“Given Buy Nothing’s mission of commerce-free community building, there seemed something dissonant to me about its existence on a platform that mined people’s personal information and stoked invidious “engagement” for ad dollars.”

The Battle for the Soul of Buy Nothing | WIRED wired.com/story/the-battle-for

#buynothing #facebook #MutualAid

Last updated 1 year ago

T · @T
322 followers · 589 posts · Server social.tabathawood.com

How do you break the destructive cycle that has forced you into?

to buy anything that you don’t really need / is non-essential.
what you buy. *
the things you already have.
the things you can.
everything as much as is practical to.

* if you don’t need to. Grow, build, make, sew, as much as you possibly can.
If you must buy, .
if you can afford to. Buy things that will last or can be repaired.

#capitalism #refuse #reduce #reuse #repair #recycle #buynothing #buylocal #buybetter

Last updated 1 year ago

djvenus · @mixolydia
8 followers · 26 posts · Server gardenstate.social

"Was it weird to eat a stranger’s porch ham? Was it safe? Would the ham be worth it?"


#buynothing #porchham #ham

Last updated 2 years ago

The Spoonless Kitchen · @thespoonless
339 followers · 3394 posts · Server epicure.social

"As Lahontan put it, Indigenous people who had been to Europe, like Kondiaronk, “… were continually teasing us with the faults and disorders they observed in our towns, as being occasioned by money. There is no point in trying to remonstrate with them about how useful the distinction of property is for the support of society; they make a joke of anything you say on that account. In short, they neither quarrel nor fight, nor slander one another; they scoff at arts and sciences, and laugh at the differences in ranks which are observed with us. They brand us for slaves, and call us miserable souls, whose life is not worth having, alleging that we degrade ourselves in subjecting ourselves to one man [the king] who possesses all the power, and is bound by no law but his own will.”



Very good article.

(or if you must) or what you can.

#degrowth #refuse #reduce #reuse #recycle #buynothing #buylocal #forage #grow

Last updated 2 years ago

Atiya · @Rocket_Tia
37 followers · 79 posts · Server universeodon.com

I'm participating in a Frugal Frock Challenge. Unfortunately, I can't find anyone who did it last year so, I have to make my own.

What I remember from last year was that one had to use everything from their stash. No new patterns, no new fabric, and no extra supplies were allowed. Pattern hacking/ Frankensteining and scrap busting is encouraged. The point was to creatively declutter.

Since all my patterns are self drafted, they're already free, but in the spirit of the challenge, I'm gonna Frankenstein some patterns, and use no fabric that's been in my stash for less than six months. Wish me luck.

#stashbusting #patternhacking #frugalfrockchallenge #adventuresinsewing #dressmaking #sewing #buynothing #sewingproject

Last updated 2 years ago

The Spoonless Kitchen · @thespoonless
339 followers · 3394 posts · Server epicure.social


Wake me up when it's peer-reviewed. If you've got a primary series and a booster shot onboard, you've only got a 10% chance of dying the death, even with 2 underlying conditions. Yes, against Omicron: This was studied during BA.2 surging in lockdown China.


Want to avoid being in the 10%? Practice for one thing, and you won't have to go out! to buy anything non-essential, essentials that you do buy as much as you can if at all possible and whenever you cannot avoid buying at all. and are the last two steps of this.

If you do have to go out (like, for instance, for your booster vaccination)? Mask/Sanitize (and wear your mask properly BY sanitizing: 1) Before you put it on. 2) After you put it on. 3) If you touch it. 4) Before you take it off. 5) After you take it off.

Stay 2m away from others, outdoors as much as you can, and don't stay in enclosed spaces for longer than 5-10min.

#degrowth #refuse #reduce #buynothing #buylocal #reuse #recycle

Last updated 2 years ago

Nelson Chu Pavlosky · @skyfaller
729 followers · 2269 posts · Server jawns.club

The "Buy Nothing Project" began as a decentralized movement on Facebook, but the "official" organization is now promoting a mobile app: buynothingproject.org/

I don't love installing yet another app on my phone, why can't I use this through their web site?

That said, Facebook is kinda evil, so maybe it is the lesser of those two evils?


Last updated 2 years ago

The Spoonless Kitchen · @thespoonless
339 followers · 3394 posts · Server epicure.social

@theconversationau Not-so-fun fact! The Nazis got the idea for eugenics, specifically Aktion T4...from Canada!


I know it's a South Park joke, but the world literally should "blame Canada" for this one.

Edit: From the article (read the article):

"The Nazis frequently described disabled people as “useless eaters”, “empty human shells”, and “life unworthy of life”. They chose these labels to evoke images of people who were incapable of doing anything, and so needed to be kept in institutions for their entire lives, wasting the tax dollars of non-disabled people."

So you see where I get the term from.

#degrowth #refuse #reduce #reuse #recycle #buynothing #buylocal

Last updated 2 years ago

The Spoonless Kitchen · @thespoonless
339 followers · 3394 posts · Server epicure.social

@theconversationau "Is your child happier, healthier, and calmer, after a two-week break from being bullied, harassed, ostracized, and subjected to the widely-accepted social Darwinism model of "education" designed to destroy the agency of any child who refuses to become the perfect yellow pencil? THE ECONOMY CAN'T HAVE THAT!

"Here are victim-blaming tips for you to make your child feel guilty for hating the un-parented animals that make your child's daily life a living hell, and will do, for the rest of their lives, in TAB society!"

#degrowth #refuse #reduce #reuse #recycle #buylocal #buynothing #bekind

Last updated 2 years ago

aminarra_she_her · @aminarra
23 followers · 114 posts · Server home.social

3. Make a difference with your decisions
a. Don't call the police. There are a variety of resources online to help understand what the alternatives are
b. Get to know what's going on in local politics and use that to inform your
- What is going on with the school board?
- Is your county clerk representing you well?
- How are the mayor and governor serving your communities?
c. Join and participate in and groups

#vote #mutualaid #buynothing

Last updated 2 years ago